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Studies on the Dutch Prison System

Edited by M.J.M.Brand-Koolen.

This reader on the prison system was edited by Maria Brand-Koolen. Two chapters have been written especially for this volume - the introductory chapter, written by the editor, and the chapter on temporary release, written by a researcher with the RDC and a member of the Prison Department. Three contributions by Tony Vinson of Australia, who explored the Dutch correctional system in some detail during his visit to the Centre in 1985, are slightly revised versions of chapters from a recent RDC publication. The remaining contributions are the work of (former) RDC researchers and have been published earlier in the Dutch language. Some of these previously published papers have been slightly revised to provide more recent data.The general studies in the first part of the two-part volume provide an overview of the main characteristics of Dutch correctional policy and research. The first chapter aims to give the non-Dutch reader a general idea of the criminal justice system in The Netherlands (in particular the correctional system) and to facilitate understanding of the other contributions. In the second part of the book the authors deal with a variety of special topics, among others the mentally abnormal offender, drug users, ethnic minorities and prison leave.

Deventer: Kugler Publications, 1987. 194p.