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Crime and Social Deviation

By S. Giora Shoham.

Criminologists, it has been said, are "kings without countries,- for their territories have never been deline-ated..Because the clashes between human behavior and criminal law norms do not constitute a clearly defined behavioral entity, criminology must draw its basic concepts and methodology from the behavi-oral sciences, biology, and, to some extent, the history and sociology of criminal law. A bold synthesis of the various related disciplines is, therefore, essential. Professor Shlomo Shoham has, in Crime and Social Deviation, undertaken such a synthesis, utilizing a unique theoretical approach to the causes and treatment of crime, delinquency, and deviation. Says Professor Hermann Mannheim in the preface to this work: "Shoham combines his unmistakable gift for constructive theorizing and classifying, for thinking in terms of abstract models and types, with painstaking and realistic empirical research for which his native country of Israel, small as it is, offers an apparently inexhaustible wealth of problems and material."

NY. Harrow and Heston Publishers. 2012. 267 pages.