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Access To Justice For Disadvantaged Communities

By Marjorie Mayo, Gerald Koessl, Matthew Scott and Imogen Slater.

This book explores the dilemmas being faced by professionals and volunteers who are aiming to provide access to justice for all and to promote social justice agendas in increasingly challenging contexts. Public service modernisation has been accompanied by increasing marketisation and massive public expenditure cuts, with escalating effects in terms of the growth of social inequalities. As the following chapters illustrate, Law Centres have provided a lens through which to examine the implications of these wider policies, as increasing marketisation has been impacting upon staff and volunteers working to promote social justice in disadvantaged communities.

Policy Press (2014) 174p.

Justice In The Digital State

By Joe Tomlinson.

Assessing the next revolution in administrative justice. This short book examines three very different ways in which the UK’s administrative justice system is changing due to the influence of technology: the increase in crowdfunded judicial reviews; the digitalisation of tribunals; and the adoption of ‘agile’ methodologies by civil servants tasked with building the administrative justice system…ensuring justice in the digital state is a task that requires us to both study closely the empirical consequences of technology and revisit, and maybe even abandon, existing frameworks for understanding how administrative justice operates.

Bristol University Press.. (2019) 114 pages.

Participation In Courts And Tribunals

Edited By Jessica Jacobson And Penny Cooper.

Concepts, Realities and Aspirations. Foreword by the Rt Hon Sir Ernest Ryder : “The authors’ central thesis is that people should be able to participate effectively in the court and tribunal proceedings that directly concern them….The study shows that practitioners do, by and large, make sincere efforts to help lay users participate in proceedings; yet many barriers to participation remain which can leave users marginalised in hearings. It is the responsibility of all those who work in courts and tribunals to understand these barriers and take steps to help users overcome them – this study provides insight and practical suggestions. “

Bristol University Press (2020) 198p.

Enquiry Concerning Political Justice

By William Godwin

…and Its Influence on Morals and Happiness. 4th ed.. in 2 Volumes. Vol. l. Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on Morals and Happiness is a 1793 book by the philosopher William Godwin, in which the author outlines his political philosophy. It is the first modern work to expound anarchism.

London: J. Watson, 1912. 244p.