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The Positive School of Criminology

By Enrico Ferri.

The positive school of criminology was b born of the three lectures Ferri gave at the University of Naples in 1901. In these essays he makes the case for the importance, possibly supremacy, of social and economics causes of crime, in contrast to the then dominant theories of biological determinism, the idea of the “born criminal.” In much of his professional life he was driven by one cause that strikes a bell today in the 21st century: the cause of social justice.

Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. 1902.

Criminal Sociology

By Enrico Ferri.

In this great Italian classic in criminology, its famed author Enrico Ferri describes it as “a work of propaganda and an elementary guide for anyone who intends to dedicate himself to the scientific study of offenders and of the means of prevention and social defense against them.” Published in 1892 and in English in 1896. The book emphasizes the link between crime causation and social justice, setting him apart from his criminal anthropologist forebears.

Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. 1896.

The Jukes

By Robert L. Dugdale.

A study in crime, pauperism, disease and heredity. “‘The Jukes’ has long been known as one of those important books that exert an influence out of all proportion to their bulk. It is doubtful if any concrete study of moral forces is more widely known, or has provoked more discussion, or has incited a larger number of students to examine for themselves the immensely difficult problems presented by the interaction of ‘heredity’ with ‘environment.’“

London Putnam (1910) 137 pages.

The English Convict

By Charles Goring.

Classic statistical study published in 1913 measuring nearly 100 physical and mental characteristics of English convicts to determine their deviation from the normal. Notable features of the author's research methodology were the use of the newly-developed Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and the method of comparing groups of both criminals and non-criminals for the same characteristics. The author's analysis of the data rejects the view that there are specific physical and mental characteristics identifying the criminal. He further concludes that the influence of heredity and the presence of mental defectiveness are far more significant factors than parental influence in the development of criminal behavior.

HMSO (1913) 450 pages.

Child of Circumstance

By pages

The Mystery of the Unborn, by pages. “Dr. Wilson believed that criminals are born unfinished. The die is cast at birth. The lack of finish at birth explains the incompetent, the born tired, the unemployed. Then what is the use? Why not painless extinction of those who commit great crimes, and the sterilization of the feebleminded….” Albert Wilson.

John Bale et al., (1928) 477.

Criminals of Chicago

By Prince Emmanuel of Jerusalem.

“ History shows that hanging did not prevent petit larceny. So we have abandoned the policy of frightfulness in punishment and cannot revert to it even though it still has some few supporters. And yet we feel that the theory of punishment being deterrent is philosophically sound. …The first news from the Laboratory revealed the prevalence of feeble-mindedness among delinquents. “

Rosburgh Publishing (1921) 247 pages.

The Trial of Hawley Harvey Crippen

By Filson Young.

With notes and introduction by Filson Young. “Most of the interest and part of the terror of great crime are due not to what is abnormal, but to what is normal in it; what we have in common with the criminal, rather than that subtle insanity which differentiates him from us, is what makes us view with so lively an interest a fellow-being who has wandered into these tragic and fatal fields.”

William Hodge (1910) 266 pages.

Criminal Psychology

By Horace M. Kallen.

A Manual for Judges, Practitioners, and Students, by Hans Gross. 􏰀Translated from the 4th German edition . Introduction By Joseph Jastrow,. “ In short, the individualization of disease, in cause and in treatment, is the dominant truth of modern medical science. The same truth is now known about crime…” Published under the Auspices of The American institute of criminal law and criminologyBoston,

Little Brown and Co. (1911) 567 pages.

Criminal Man

Translated by Gina Lombroso.

This is the classic work of the “father of criminology” Cesare Lombroso translated from the Italian by his daughter Gina Lombroso. Here was the idea of the “born criminal” and a detailed classification system according to body types and other physiological and physical features. The major work was “L’Uomo delinquente” that emphasized the atavistic origins of criminality.

NY. Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. (1876) 251 pages.


By Raffaele Garofalo.

Garofalo, a student of Lombroso, attempted to formulate a sociological definition of crime that would designate those acts which can be repressed by punishment. These constituted "Natural Crime" and were considered offenses violating the two basic altruistic sentiments common to all people, namely, probity and piety.

A Classic Reprint. 1885. 510 pages.

Local Determinants of Crime: Distinguishing Between Resident and Non-resident Offenders

By Thiess Büttner, and Hannes Spengler.

The paper revisits the local determinants of crime using a spatial model distinguishing between resident and non-resident offenders. Employing data for German municipalities, the model is estimated by means of a spatial GMM approach. Focusing on resident offenders legal earnings opportunities and the expected gain from offenses are found to be important determinants of crime. Also the socio-economic background in terms of unemployment, poverty, and inequality proves significant for both property and violent crime. Whereas local inequality only shows an effect on crime committed by resident offenders, crime committed by non-resident offenders is shown to be significantly related to the characteristics in adjacent municipalities such as unemployment and income.

Mannheim: ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, 2003. 30p.

Ports, Piracy and Maritime War: Piracy in the English Channel and the Atlantic, c. 1280 c. 1330

By Thomas Heebøll-Holm.

In Ports, Piracy, and Maritime War Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm presents a study of maritime predation in English and French waters around the year 1300. Following Cicero, pirates have traditionally been cast as especially depraved robbers and the enemy of all, but Heebøll-Holm shows that piracy was often part of private wars between English, French, and Gascon ports and mariners, occupying a liminal space between crime and warfare. Furthermore he shows how piracy was an integral part of maritime commerce and how the adjudication of piracy followed the legal procedure of the march. Heebøll-Holm convincingly demonstrates how piracy influenced the policies of the English and the French kings and he contributes to our understanding of Anglo-French relations on the eve of the Hundred Years’ War.

Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2013. 312p.