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Posts tagged mythology
Mythology: Timeless Tales Of Gods And Heroes


By Edith Hamilton

FROM THE COVER: “The Classic Of Classics ...A father and husband caught up in a quarrel between gods and who finds his short sail home turning into a twenty-year journey filled with witches, storms, and one-eyed monsters. A family cursed by the sacrifice of a daughter in return for favorable sailing wnds a curse that can only be expiated in blood. A worried goddess who exacts a promise from all living things never to harm her son--but who misses one little, fatal shrub ….

"Classical mythology has long needed such a popular exposition as Miss Edith Hamilton has given us in this volume, which is at once a reference book and a book which may be read for stimulation and pleasure." -New York Times Book Review.

NY. Warner Books. 1942. 347p.

Bullfinch's Mythology: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology

By Thomas Bullfinch.

From thePublishers’ Preface: No new edition of Bulfinch’s classic work can be con­sidered complete without some notice of the American scholar to whose wide erudition and painstaking care it stands as a perpetual monument. “The Age of Fable” has come to be ranked with older books like “Pilgrim’s Progress,” “Gulliver’s Travels,” “The Arabian Nights,” “Robinson Crusoe,” and five or six other productions of world-wide renown as a work with which every one must claim some acquaintance before his education can be called really complete. Many readers of the present edition will probably recall coming in contact with the work as children, and, it may be added, will no doubt discover from a fresh perusal the source of numerous bits of knowledge that have remained stored in their minds since those early years. Yet to the majority of this great circle of readers and students the name Bulfinch in itself has no significance.

NY. Crown Publishers Avenel Books. 1978 1021p..

Valhalla, Calvary and Auschwitz

S. Giora Shoham.

S. Giora Shoham reveals the social, cultural and political mechanics of how anti-Semitism became the motivating ideology of the Third Reich and the Nazi movement. This ideology impelled an evil empire to murder some six million Jews and millions of other undesirables, viz., Slavs, Gypsies, Communist commissars, etc.
The book provides the most detailed and cogent answer yet to the often asked question: how is it possible for the “most civilized nation” possessing the highest technological and scientific skills to embark on a campaign of murder, rape, and robbery on a scale unprecedented in world history? Even more pertinent for the Jews has been the question: why were the Jews singled out for immediate massacre and then systematic destruction? No single compelling answer has been proffered in the past fifty years. Shoham explains, why the German social character and the Jewish social character were dramatically opposed, why the clash between them was inevitable given the right circumstances, and why the Holocaust was inevitable in Germany due to an incestuous relationship between Germans and Jews.

NY. Harrow and Heston Publishers. 2012.