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Sex As Crime?

Edited by Gayle Letherby, Kate Williams, Philip Birch and Maureen Cain

This book brings together chapters by academics, researchers and practitioners to analyse how crimes such as sex work, domestic violence and rape and sexual assault have risen up the Government agenda in recent years. For example, the 'Paying the Price' consultation exercise on sex work in 2004, and recent legislation around sex crimes, including the Sex Offences Act (2003). This is a multi-disciplinary, social scientific, pro-feminist collection, which draws upon practice, empirical research, documentary analysis and overviews of research in the areas of sex work and sexual violence. Within Sex as Crime there are two distinct sub-sections: 'Sex for Sale' and 'Sex as Violence', but the broader and overriding link of sex as crime remains a paramount theme that spans the collection. Chapters include discussions of the impact of new regulations on street sex workers, and of street sex work on community residents, the use of the internet by men who pay for sex and men who sell it, sexual violence and identity, sex crimes against children and protecting children online and working with sex offenders. Other chapters explore reasons for such offending behaviour.

Abingdon, Oxon: Willan, 2008. 416p.

Sex Crimes and Sex Offenders: Research and Realities. First Edition

By Donna Vandiver, Jeremy Braithwaite and Mark Stafford

Sex Crimes and Sex Offenders: Research and Realities provides an overview of social scientific theory and research on sex crimes and sex offenders. Most other books on the market are focused on a single issue―such as treatment, rape, pedophilia, theory, etc. This book is unique in that it covers the most current theory and research along with individual cases of sex crimes (e.g., Kobe Bryant, Jerry Sandusky, and other case studies), effectively linking theory and research with the realities of sex crimes and sex offenders as well as their victims. Vandiver, Braithwaite, and Stafford are careful to dispel myths and to focus on the heterogeneity of sex crimes and sex offenders, and not on any one issue or population or theory. Instead, they weave a framework using a full range of theoretical concepts and research data to integrate their discussions of crimes, offenders, victims, treatments, and policy implications. The result is a valuable resource for students and early-stage researchers investigating sex crimes or offenders.

New York: Routledge, 2017. 354p.

Sex Crime: Sex Offending and Society. Third Edition

By Terry Thomas

Sex Crime, Third edition offers a comprehensive and integrative introduction to sex crime, written by an expert in the field. The third edition has been fully expanded and updated to include further coverage of a range of critical topics, including child sexual exploitation, child pornography, female sex offenders, treatment approaches such as the ‘Good Lives Model’ and the European Convention on Human Rights. Delving into and beyond the news headlines about sexual crimes that seem to appear on our screens and in our newspapers almost every day, this third edition draws on a range of high profile case studies, such as Vanessa George, Stuart Hall, Jimmy Savile and Operation Yewtree and also offers a review of all relevant legislation. This new edition also includes an analysis ofpossible causes of sex offending, as well as public and professional responses to sex crime. Including an examination of the policing of sexual crime; the prosecution of the accused; the sentencing and punishment of sexual offenders; and ‘public protection’ measures, this new edition covers all of the key aspects of sex crime and how it is dealt with. Wide-ranging and authoritative, Sex Crime, Third edition presents a complex area in a straightforward and understandable manner. Thomas guides the reader through the range of policies and law which have accumulated over the years, making this essential reading for academics and students engaged in the study of sex crime, sexual violence and the treatment of sex offenders. It will also be of great interest to criminal justice practitioners.

Abingdon, Oxon, UK; New York: Routledge, 2016. 272p.

Handbook of Sexual Assault and Sexual Assault Prevention

Edited by William T. O'Donohue , Paul A. Schewe

This timely handbook provides in-depth overviews of the myriad and multi-faceted issues surrounding sexual assault and its pervasiveness in today’s culture. Drawing for multiple viewpoints and experts, the book is divided into seven comprehensive sections, covering such topics as risk factors, varying theoretical frameworks, prevention and intervention, and special populations. Within these sections the authors provide historical background as well as the latest research, and offer treatment outcomes and potentials. Selected topics covered in this book include: feminist theories of sexual assault; social and economic factors surrounding sexual violence; mental, physiological, physical, and functional health concerns of victims, including PTSD; major categories of sexual offenders; treatment of sexual assault survivors in the LGBTQ+ community; procedural processes related to sexual assault investigation and adjudication within the criminal justice system.

Cham: Springer Nature, 2019.  857p.

Pedophilia and Adult–Child Sex: A Philosophical Analysis

By Stephen Kershnar

This book provides a philosophical analysis of adult–child sex and pedophilia. This sex intuitively strikes many people as sick, disgusting, and wrong. The problem is that it is not clear whether these judgments are justified and whether they are aesthetic or moral. By analogy, many people find it disgusting to view images of obese people having sex, but it is hard to see what is morally undesirable about such sex: here the judgment is aesthetic. This book looks at the moral status of such adult-child sex. In particular, it explores whether those who engage in adult-child sex have a disease, act wrongly, or are vicious. In addition, it looks at how the law should respond to such sex given the above analyses.

Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017. 192p.

The Hidden Monster: Pedophilia

By Shawn Michael Dove

There have been a few books during time that begin to educate, and explain different opinions on and about pedophilia. All of these books are very good and are very helpful into exploring more about this “Hidden Monster Pedophilia”. Each and every one of these books has helped countless scores of people in their everyday lives. The Hidden Monster: Pedophilia, By Shawn Michael Dove, is written by a Victim, a Pedophile, and a Survivor. Shawn has been through all of these stages in his life, and he is strong on Victim Empathy, and Victim Impact, and as you will see, he encourages all victims, and pedophiles alike, to go through a therapy program designed for them to achieve their individual freedom from their past horror, pain, devastation, nightmares, and fears.

Bloomington, IN: Author House, 2003. 120p.

Gender Violence; the Law, and Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from India, Japan and South Africa

Edited by M. Susanne Schotanus

The ebook edition of this title is Open Access, thanks to Knowledge Unlatched funding, and freely available to read online. Gender Violence, the Law, and Society analyses and explores the historical and cultural roots of issues of gender-based and sexual violence in Japan, India and South Africa. Using a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary methods, this edited collection highlights the intersection of marginalized gender and sexual identities – such as raped women, gay men and women who are victims of commodified violence – and marginalized geographic areas.Taking a structured and holistic approach, the chapters authors break down issues across three levels: violence, state, and society. By exploring case studies from the three selected geographical areas, both the roots and effects and related organization and belief systems are explored in their relations to the issues of sexual and gendered violence. The chapters expose and consider the complexities and nuances in each country in terms of their varying cultural practices, their religious and caste systems, and racial disparities, whilst exploring and expanding the understanding of the concept of violence itself. Gender Violence, the Law, and Society takes an important step towards synthesizing area-specific issues and knowledge into a more comprehensive and global body of knowledge on the apparently universal appearances of forms of sexual and gendered violence.

Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2022. 201p.

Unexpected Subjects: Intimate Partner Violence, Testimony, and the Law

By Alessandra Gribaldo

Unexpected Subjects is an ethnography of the encounter between women’s words and the demands of the law in the context of adjudications on intimate partner violence. A study of institutional devices, it focuses on women’s practices of resistance and the elicitation of intelligible subjectivities. Using Italy as an illustrative case, Alessandra Gribaldo explores the problematic encounter between the need to speak, the entanglement of violence and intimacy, and the way the law approaches domestic violence. On this basis, she advances theoretical reflections on questions of evidence, persuasion, and testimony, and their implications for ethnographic theory. Gribaldo analyzes dynamics that create the victim-subject, shedding light on how the Italian legal system reproduces broader conditions of violence against women. This book will be of great interest to all social scientists concerned with gender and the law.

Chicago: HAU Books (Distributed by the University of Chicago Press, 2021. 157p.

Victim Support and the Welfare State

By Carina Gallo, Kerstin Svensson

. This book provides a rich analysis of the history of Swedish victim support. With the majority of research on victim support centering on the Anglosphere, this book offers a unique case study for considering the role of the victim in the criminal justice system. While Sweden has enacted many laws to support victims, and victim assistance programs have grown rapidly, welfare policy has become more restrictive and crime policy, to some degree, more punitive.

Routledge (2021) 186 pages.

“This is the Aftermath” Assessing Domestic Violent Extremism One Year After the Capitol Siege

By Bennett Clifford and Jon Lewis

On January 6, 2021, a mob composed of activists, unaffiliated sympathizers, and hardened extremists violently entered the United States Capitol, destroying property, assaulting law enforcement, and attempting to disrupt the American electoral process. During the siege, as it has come to be known, several thousand people are believed to have unlawfully breached the Capitol. The violence that day left five dead and more than a hundred injured.1 The Capitol Siege was a watershed moment for domestic violent extremism in the United States. In its immediate aftermath, the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation launched a nationwide investigation into the alleged perpetrators of the violence. It quickly became the largest investigation of its type in the Bureau’s history, heralding investigations in nearly all 50 states and 704 criminal charges to date (as of January 1, 2022). The breadth of the federal 2 investigation has resulted in an unprecedented pace of prosecutorial activity, with nearly two criminal charges released per day on average during the first three months after the Capitol Siege. Today, a year after January 6, 2021, new charges are still being released every week, and the operational tempo for the DOJ and FBI has not significantly slowed. The events of that day also led the U.S. government to redesign its approach to counterterrorism, largely reorienting its focus from international to domestic extremism. At the same time, January 6, 2021, was not only a turning point for counterterrorism authorities, but has numerous ramifications for various American domestic violent extremist groups and their efforts to recruit and plan activities while avoiding law enforcement scrutiny. On the one-year anniversary of January 6, 2021, this report takes stock of the Capitol Siege’s impacts on domestic violent extremism in America, and the U.S. federal government’s efforts to respond to the threat over the past year. This research is based on the Program on Extremism’s Capitol Siege Database, a collection of over 20,000 pages of court documents from cases of individuals who have been federally charged for their participation in the Capitol Siege, as well as Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, interviews with U.S. government officials and defense attorneys, media reports, and other open-source information.

Washington, DC: George Washington University, Program on Extremism, 2022. 48p.

Guest User
Mapping the Victimological Landscape of the Balkans A Regional Study on Victimology and Victim Protection with a Critical Analysis of Current Victim Policies

Edited by Gorazd Meško, Eszter Sárik, Anna-Maria Getoš Kalac

This timely and comprehensive collection of discussions on victimology, victims of crime and victim protection policies in the Balkans and beyond engages readers with the current state of the art of regional victimology in the Balkans and Central Europe. Original contributions from as many as ten countries of the region analyse the development of victimology, victim protection policies and practices, as well as major areas of victimological research. The main idea of the book at hand is to provide an insight into the complex nature of victimisation in contemporary societies and a deeper understanding of the nature of, and responses to, victimisation in the context of the criminal justice system and civil society. Chapters about the recent developments of victimology in Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey reflect on cultural victimology and contextualisation of victimology and victimological thought from a broader societal perspective. More importantly, the chapters thus present, for the first time, a comparative and contextual account of regional contributions to present-day victimology. This publication is a milestone of victimological research calling for a follow-up and more comparative victimological studies in the future, improvement of practice in victim protection and more feasible victim protection policies.

Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2020. 596p.

Black Homicide Victimization in the United States: An Analysis of 2019 Homicide Data

By Violence Policy Center

This annual study examines black homicide victimization at the state level utilizing unpublished Supplementary Homicide Report data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The study ranks the states by their rates of black homicide victimization and offers additional information for the 10 states with the highest black homicide victimization rates.

Washington, DC: Violence Policy Center, 2022. 18p.

Sexual violence in Port-au-Prince: A weapon used by gangs to instill fear

By The United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

1. In early July 2022, Rose1 , 25 years old, was one of at least 52 women and girls who were collectively raped by armed elements during a week of intense violence opposing two rival gang coalitions in Cité Soleil. In the afternoon of 7 July 2022, Rose, a mother of four and five-months pregnant, was severely beaten and raped, in the presence of her children, by three heavily armed masked men. The latter had forced their way into her home during an attack launched against the residents of Brooklyn, in Cité Soleil. Earlier that day, Rose’s husband had been shot dead by members of the same gang. Before leaving, the armed individuals set her house ablaze, forcing Rose and her children to sleep out in the open in a public space for many nights. The story of Rose, like that of many other women, illustrates the ordeal of victims of sexual violence who are targeted by armed gangs. This report, jointly published by the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), shows how armed gangs have used rape, including collective rapes, and other forms of sexual violence to instill fear, punish, subjugate, and inflict pain on local populations with the ultimate goal of expanding their areas of influence, throughout the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince. As of August 2022, large swathes of the capital, accounting for at least 1.5 million people, were reportedly under the control or the influence of gang elements.

United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2022. 25p.

Global Criminology: Crime and Victimization in a Globalized Era

Edited by K. Jaishankar and Natti Ronel

Global criminology is an emerging field covering international and transnational crimes that have not traditionally been the focus of mainstream criminology or criminal justice. Global Criminology: Crime and Victimization in a Globalized Era is a collection of rigorously peer-reviewed papers presented at the First International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) that took place in Jaipur, India in 2011. Using a global yardstick as the basis for measurement, the fundamental goal of the conference was to determine criminological similarities and differences in different regions.

Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2013. 409p.

Cybercrime and its Victims

Edited by Elena Martellozzo and Emma A Jane

The last twenty years have seen an explosion in the development of information technology, to the point that people spend a major portion of waking life in online spaces. While there are enormous benefits associated with this technology, there are also risks that can affect the most vulnerable in our society but also the most confident. Cybercrime and its victims explores the social construction of violence and victimisation in online spaces and brings together scholars from many areas of inquiry, including criminology, sociology, and cultural, media, and gender studies.

The book is organised thematically into five parts. Part one addresses some broad conceptual and theoretical issues. Part two is concerned with issues relating to sexual violence, abuse, and exploitation, as well as to sexual expression online. Part three addresses issues related to race and culture. Part four addresses concerns around cyberbullying and online suicide, grouped together as ‘social violence’. The final part argues that victims of cybercrime are, in general, neglected and not receiving the recognition and support they need and deserve. It concludes that in the volatile and complex world of cyberspace continued awareness-raising is essential for bringing attention to the plight of victims. It also argues that there needs to be more support of all kinds for victims, as well as an increase in the exposure and punishment of perpetrators.

Drawing on a range of pressing contemporary issues such as online grooming, sexting, cyber-hate, cyberbullying and online radicalization, this book examines how cyberspace makes us more vulnerable to crime and violence, how it gives rise to new forms of surveillance and social control and how cybercrime can be prevented.

London: Routledge, 2017. 251p.

Criminal Victimization in Canada 2019

By Adam Cotter

Criminal victimization in Canada, 2019: Highlights

 According to the General Social Survey (GSS) on Victimization, more than three-quarters (78%) of Canadians were very or somewhat satisfied with their personal safety from crime in 2019.

 One in five (19%) Canadians or their households were impacted by one of the eight crimes measured by the GSS in 2019. There were 8.3 million incidents of sexual assault, robbery, physical assault, break and enter, theft of motor vehicles (or parts), theft of household or personal property, or vandalism.

 Almost seven in ten (69%) self-reported incidents were non-violent in nature. Theft of personal property, the most common crime type, accounted for more than one-third (37%) of all criminal incidents.

 Women (106 incidents per 1,000 women) were violently victimized at a rate nearly double that of men (59 incidents per 1,000 men) in 2019. This gender difference is a result of the fact that women were five times more likely than men to be a victim of sexual assault (50 versus 9 per 1,000).


Criminal Victimization in Canada, 2019.

The Criminal Victimization of Immigrants

By William F. McDonald

This book offers a comprehensive examination of the many forms of victimization of immigrants, including trafficking in persons for sexual exploitation and forced labor; assaulting, robbing and raping; refusing to pay wages; renting illegal living space that violates health codes; and domestic abuse both in general, and in particular, of mail-order brides.

McDonald examines a broad range of quantitative and qualitative data from historical and international sources including the USA, Canada, Mexico, Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, and Spain. He writes with a view to correcting myths about the relationship between immigrants and crime, noting that immigrants are more likely to become victims than offenders.

The book outlines the multiple forms and contexts in which immigrants are victimized, exploited, and harmed. Reviewing micro- and macro-level victimological and sociological theories as they apply to patterns and forms of immigrants’ victimization, this study ultimately seeks to understand reasons for which immigrants are victimized by their own kind, and by persons outside their community.

Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 135p.

Sexual Violence Facilitated by Dating Apps: The Experiences of Men Who Have Sex with Men

By Christopher T. Dietzel

This dissertation highlighted and addressed the nature and extent of sexual violence against men who have sex with men (MSM) that is facilitated through their use of dating apps. The dissertation includes three manuscripts, each of which details a unique study. The first study investigated MSM dating app users’ conceptualizations and negotiations of sexual consent. Findings revealed that MSM identify consent frameworks but do not always apply those frameworks, or apply their interpretations of those frameworks, to their online and in-person sexual interactions with other MSM dating users. The second study examined MSM dating app users’ experiences of sending and receiving unsolicited dick pics. Findings uncovered a diversity in MSM’s experiences that are reflected along three “dimensions”: wanted/unwanted, consensual/non-consensual, and typical/atypical. Findings also revealed seven factors that impact MSM’s experiences of sending and receiving unsolicited dick pics. The third study investigated manifestation of rape culture that are facilitated through MSM’s use of dating apps. Findings showed that unwanted sexual messages and images are common manifestations of rape culture on dating apps. Findings also demonstrated that rape culture extends from online interactions to in-person interactions. Several MSM disclosed sexual violence they experienced through their use of dating apps, and one admitted to perpetrating sexual violence. This dissertation reveals the ways in which MSM experience and perpetrate sexual violence through their use of dating apps, as well as the ways in which dating apps facilitate sexual violence. Recommendations for education, community work, law and policy, and dating app software development are offered, along with limitations and suggestions for future research

Montreal: McGill University, 2021. 264p.

The Sexual Exploitation of Australian Children on Dating Apps and Websites

By Coen Teunissen, Hayley Boxall, Sarah Napier and Rick Brown

This study presents the findings from a large survey of people living in Australia (n=9,987) who had used mobile dating apps and/or dating websites in the previous five years. Across the entire sample, 12.4 percent of respondents reported receiving requests to facilitate the sexual exploitation of their own children or children they had access to. Requests included asking for sexual information about children or for sexual images or videos of children, asking to meet children in person or asking for children to perform sex acts over webcam.

The paper highlights the need for additional safety features to be embedded in mobile dating apps and dating websites to protect vulnerable users and to prevent the sexual exploitation of children.

Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2022. 14p.

Mobile Dating Applications and Sexual and Violent Offending

By Kamarah Pooley and Hayley Boxall

In the last few years, a number of high-profile cases of sexual and violent offending have been committed after the offender and victim met through a mobile dating application (dating app). Subsequent media and popular rhetoric have positioned dating app sexual and violent offending as a major safety concern.

A literature review was conducted to determine the prevalence of dating app violence, the design features of dating apps that create and prevent opportunities for violence to occur, and the prevention strategies used by individual users and app designers. Results suggest that dating app users are at greater risk of sexual and violent victimisation than non-users. Dating app features designed to promote safety and connectedness paradoxically place users at risk of victimisation. Although some dating apps feature innovative safety mechanisms, most place the onus on users to protect themselves against victimisation.

Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2020. 16p.