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Shattering Lives and Myths: A Report on Image-Based Sexual Abuse

By Clare McGlynn, et al.

Image-based sexual abuse is a pervasive and pernicious form of sexual abuse. We use the term ‘image-based sexual abuse’ to refer to a broad range of abusive behaviours including the taking and/or distribution of nude or sexual images without consent, including threats to do so, which includes so-called ‘revenge porn’, ‘upskirting’, fakeporn, sexual extortion and videos of sexual assaults and rapes. This report draws on interviews with 25 victim-survivors of image-based sexual abuse and over 25 stakeholders, including police, policy-makers, lawyers and survivor organisations conducted over a six-month period in 2018.

Durham, UK: Durham University; University of Kent, 2019. 25p.

Mobile Dating Applications and Sexual and Violent Offending

By Kamarah Pooley and Hayley Boxall

In the last few years, a number of high-profile cases of sexual and violent offending have been committed after the offender and victim met through a mobile dating application (dating app). Subsequent media and popular rhetoric have positioned dating app sexual and violent offending as a major safety concern.

A literature review was conducted to determine the prevalence of dating app violence, the design features of dating apps that create and prevent opportunities for violence to occur, and the prevention strategies used by individual users and app designers. Results suggest that dating app users are at greater risk of sexual and violent victimisation than non-users. Dating app features designed to promote safety and connectedness paradoxically place users at risk of victimisation. Although some dating apps feature innovative safety mechanisms, most place the onus on users to protect themselves against victimisation.

Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2020. 16p.

Sexual Harassment, Aggression and Violence Victimisation Among Mobile Dating App and Website Users in Australia

By Heather Wolbers, Hayley Boxall, Cameron Long, Adam Gunnoo

Use of mobile dating apps and websites has increased exponentially in the past 10 years. While these platforms create opportunities to develop and pursue social, romantic and/ or sexual relationships, both online and in the real world, media reporting and broader commentary has raised concerns about users being subjected to high levels of sexual harassment, aggression and violence.

The current study surveyed 9,987 dating app or website users in Australia to explore the prevalence and nature of dating app facilitated sexual violence (DAFSV) victimisation within the sample. Findings revealed that three-quarters of users were subjected to online DAFSV, and a third were subjected to in-person DAFSV, perpetrated by someone they met on a dating app or website. Users often experienced repeat victimisation. DAFSV victimisation was particularly common among LGB+ communities. This study provides valuable information to aid development of policies and practices to prevent the occurrence and recurrence of DAFSV.

Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2022. 101p.

Criminal Victimization, 2021

By Alexandra Thompson and Susannah N. Tapp, Ph.D., BJS Statisticians

From 1993 to 2021, the rate of violent victimization declined from 79.8 to 16.5 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12 or older.

„ About 46% of violent victimizations were reported to police in 2021, higher than in 2020 (40%).

„ From 2020 to 2021, the violent victimization rate increased from 19.0 to 24.5 victimizations per 1,000 persons in urban areas while remaining unchanged in suburban or rural areas.

U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2022. 31p.

Mexico National Surveys of Victimization and Perception of Public Safety

By National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Safety (ENVIPE)

The National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Safety (ENVIPE) 2021 is the eleventh installment of the statistical series produced by the National Subsystem of Information on Government, Public Safety and Law Enforcement (SNIGSPIJ), coordinated by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI). With this project, continuity is given to the topics addressed in previous editions of this survey, whose results have been declared Information of National Interest by the Governing Board of the INEGI.


2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

A League Table of Child Maltreatment Deaths in Rich Nations

By Peter Adamson, Giorgina Brown, John Micklewright, Sylke Schnepf and Anna Wright.

This report represents the first ever attempt to draw a comparative picture of the physical abuse of children in the 27 richest nations of the world. UNICEF research estimates that almost 3,500 children under the age of 15 die from physical abuse and neglect every year in the industrialized world. The greatest risk is among younger children. A small group of countries - Spain, Greece, Italy, Ireland and Norway - appear to have an exceptionally low incidence of child maltreatment deaths; Belgium, the Czech Republic, New Zealand, Hungary and France have levels that are four to six times higher. The United States, Mexico and Portugal have rates that are between 10 and 15 times higher than those at the top of the league table. The good news is that child deaths from maltreatment appear to be declining in the great majority of industrialized countries.

New York: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (Italy), Innocenti Research Centre, 2003. 40p.

Interventions to Reduce Violence Against Children in Low- and Middle-income Countries: An evidence and gap map

By Prachi Pundir,Ashrita Saran,Howard White,Ramya Subrahmanian andJill Adona

AbstractBackground:More than half of the children in the world experience some form of interpersonal violence every year. As compared with high‐income countries, policy responses in low‐and middle‐income countries (LMICs) are limited due to resource constraints and paucity of evidence for effective interventions to reduce violence against children in their own contexts, amongst other factors.Objectives:The aim of this evidence and gap map (EGM) is to provide an overview of the existing evidence available and to identify gaps in the evidence base on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce violence against children in LMICs. This report covers evidence published in English; a follow‐up study is under preparation focusing on evidence in five additional languages—Arabic, Chinese, French, Portu-guese and Spanish.Methods:The intervention‐outcome framework for this EGM is based on INSPIRE—Seven Strategies for Ending Violence against Children, published by WHO and other partners in 2016. The seven strategies include implementation and enforcement of laws; norms and values, safe environment; parent–child and caregiver support; in-come and economic strengthening; response and support services; education and life-skills. The search included both academic and grey literature available online. We included impact evaluations and systematic reviews that assessed the effectiveness of interventions to reduce interpersonal violence against children (0–18 years) inLMICs (World Bank, 2018b). Interventions targeting subpopulation of parents,teachers and caregivers of 0–18 years’age group were also included. A critical appraisal of all included studies was carried out using standardised tools.

Oslo, Norway: Campbell Collaborative, 2020. 37p.

The Multi-Country Study on the Drivers of Violence Affecting Children: A Cross-Country Snapshot of Findings

By Mary Catherine Maternowska; Alina Potts and Deborah Fry

Vulnerability to violence evolves in complex socio-economic and cultural contexts. This locally driven research analyses how institutional, community, interpersonal and individual factors interact to affect violence in children’s lives. It also begins to identify pathways to better inform national prevention strategies. The study places age and gender at its center, focusing on girls and boys at different stages of the life course, from the very young to older adolescents. A cornerstone of the study is to link quality research, translating it into evidence, and turning evidence into effective and meaningful interventions. This snapshot provides insights to the complexities that surround violence. Understanding and responding to the political as well as community contexts in which violence occurs builds more meaningful responses. Country teams are now preparing to move to the field and test best approaches to violence prevention based on evidence and using data to drive change.

New York: UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund, 2017. 10p.

Fagin's Children: Criminal Children In Victorian England

By Jeannie Duckworth

Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist, with Fagin, Sykes, the Artful Dodger, and children trained as pickpockets and sent out as burglar’s accomplices, provides an unforgettable fictional image of the Victorian underworld. Fagin’s Children is an account of the reality of child crime in 19th century Britain and the reaction of the authorities to it. It reveals both the poverty and misery of many children’s lives in the growing industrial cities of Britain and of changing attitudes toward the problem.

London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2003. 276p.

When Children Kill Children: Penal Populism and Political Culture

By David A. Green

This title examines the role of political culture and penal populism in the response to the emotive subject of child-on-child homicide. Green explores the reasons underlying the vastly differing responses of the English and Norwegian criminal justice systems to the cases of James Bulger and Silje Redergard respectively. Whereas James Bulger's killers were subject to extreme press and public hostility, and held in secure detention for nine months before being tried in an adversarial court, and served eight years in custody, a Redergard's killers were shielded from public antagonism and carefully reintegrated into the local community. This book argues that English adversarial political culture creates far more incentives to politicize high-profile crimes than Norwegian consensus political culture. Drawing on a wealth of empirical research, Green suggests that the tendency for politicians to justify punitive responses to crime by invoking harsh political attitudes is based upon a flawed understanding of public opinion. In a compelling study, Green proposes a more deliberative response to crime is possible by making English culture less adversarial and by making informed public judgment more accessible.

Oxford University Press. Oxford. 2008. 353p.

The Primordial Violence: Spanking Children, Psychological Development, Violence, and Crime

By Murray A. Straus, Emily M. Douglas and Rose Anne Medeiros

Why do parents hit those they love? What effect does it have on children? What can be done to end this pattern? These are some of the questions explored in The Primordial Violence. Featuring longitudinal data from over 7,000 U.S. families as well as results from a 32 nation study, the book presents the latest research on the extent to which spanking is used in different cultures and the subsequent effects of its use on children and on society. Evidence that shows the relationship between spanking and the subsequent slowing of cognitive development and increase in antisocial and criminal behavior is shown. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies are explored in an accessible fashion. An abundance of high quality research has produced findings that are highly consistent from study to study which show that spanking is a risk factor for aggressive behavior and other social and psychological problems. Because of these findings, the authors argue for policy changes and recommend a drastic reduction in the use of spanking. Policy and practical implications are explored in most chapters.

Routledge, 2013. 432p.

Children, Families and Violence: Challenges for Children's Rights

By Katherine Covell and R. Brian Howe

This book examines the risk factors surrounding children at risk of experiencing and perpetrating violence, and looks at the positive role that children's rights can play in their protection.The authors propose that violence in childhood is not spontaneous: that children are raised to become violent in poorly functioning families and child-unfriendly environments. They may be exposed to toxic substances in utero, to maltreatment in infancy, to domestic violence or parental criminality as they grow up. Each of these risk factors is empirically linked with the development of antisocial and aggressive behaviour, and each reflects a violation of children's rights to protection from maltreatment. The authors show how respecting children's rights and safeguarding them from exposure to violence can shift the balance between risk and protective factors and, as a result, reduce the incidence and severity of childhood violence.

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008. 288p.

Children and Violence: Report of the Commission on Children and Violence Convened by the Gulbenkian Foundation

By The Gulkenkian Foundation

The UK branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has taken the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ‘protecting the dignity, equality and human rights’ of children, as a broad framework within which to initiate and support specific projects of benefit to children and young people. Particular attention is given to strategic national and regional proposals which reflect the values contained in the Convention.

London: Gulbenkian Foundation,


Victimization During Household Burglary

By Shannan Catalano

Presents findings from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) on the characteristics of burglary, with comparisons between households where members were present and not present. It also examines the extent to which individuals in the residence are violently victimized when at home during these encounters. The NCVS classifies victimization as personal, rather than property crime, when a household member is present and experiences violence during a household burglary. This report classifies these violent burglaries differently so that they may be compared to traditionally classified burglaries. It also discusses crime characteristics such as household structure, location and type of residence, method of entry, time of day, type of violence, weapon use, injury, and reporting to police. Data on nonfatal violent victimization (rape/sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault) are drawn from the NCVS. Data on homicides are drawn from the Supplementary Homicide Report of the FBIs Uniform Crime Reporting Program.

Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2010. 13p.

Exposure to Violence Among Children of Inmates: A Research Agenda

By Craig D. Uchida, Marc Swatt and Shellie E. Solomon

One particular at-risk population for exposure to violence is children with incarcerated parents. While empirical evidence is scant, there is reason to suspect that this population is exposed to violence at higher rates than the general population (DeHart and Altschuler 2009; Greene, Haney, & Hurtado 2000). We further suspect that given the confluence of risk factors associated with parental incarceration and exposure to violence, these children are at heightened risk for multiple violent victimizations and exposures to violent incidents over the life course. It is also likely that children with incarcerated parents face heightened risks for negative outcomes associated with exposure to violence due to additional trauma experienced during the process of parental incarceration and the lack of a stable home environment after incarceration that interferes with positive coping. Assessing the degree to which parental incarceration compounds the effects of exposure to violence is critical for formulating comprehensive strategies by both the justice system and social service agencies for addressing the needs of children with incarcerated parents. In order to address this critical gap in our knowledge regarding exposure to violence among children with incarcerated parents, this paper looks at the existing literature for answers and suggests further research that would fill the gaps.

Miami, Justice & Security Strategies, Inc., 2012. 25p.

Witness Intimidation

This guide begins by describing the problem of witness intimidation and reviewing the factors that increase its risks. It then identifies a series of questions that can help analyze local witness intimidation problems. Finally, it reviews responses to the problem of witness intimidation as identified through research and police practice. Witness intimidation is but one aspect of the larger set of problems related to protecting crime victims and witnesses from further harm.

Sexual Assault of Women by Strangers

This guide begins by describing the problem of sexual assault of women by strangers and reviewing factors that increase its risks. It then lists a series of questions to help you analyze your local sexual assault problem. Finally, it reviews responses to the problem and what is known about them from evaluative research and police practice. Sexual assault of women by strangers is but one aspect of the larger set of sexual violence- related problems. This guide is limited to addressing the particular harms sexual assaults by strangers cause women.

Child Abuse and Neglect in the Home

This guide begins by describing the problem of child abuse and neglect in the home, and reviewing factors that increase its risks. It then identifies a series of questions to help you analyze your local child maltreatment problem. Finally, it reviews responses to the problem and what is known about them from evaluative research and police practice. Child abuse and neglect in the home is but one aspect of the larger set of problems related to child maltreatment that occurs in a variety of places and by people with varied relationships to the victim.

Women in the Islamic State: Victimization, Support, Collaboration, and Acquiescence

By Devorah Margolin and Charlie Winter

This paper examines the Islamic State’s treatment of, and engagement with, women who lived under its control between 2014 and 2017. Focusing on both ‘in-group’ and ‘out-group’ women, this paper creates a framework for understanding the diverse day-to-day lives of women in the caliphate. This research explores the Islamic State’s implementation of an elaborate theological legislative gendered system of control in Iraq and Syria that sought to penetrate society, regulate social relationships, extract resources from local populations, and appropriate those resources for their own gain. This system of control was a product of the group’s efforts to address a dilemma faced by many ideologically-driven rebel governing actors like the Islamic State – a constant balancing act between the ideology that drives the group in question, and the pragmatic issues that govern the actual application of its ideology. Drawing on hundreds of Islamic State administrative documents, this paper shows the interplay between ideology and pragmatism in the group’s administrative approach, shaping its engagement with both in-group and out-group women to perpetuate its doctrine and entrench its rule.

Washington, DC: George Washington University, Program on Extremism, 2021. 54p.

Violence in the City of Women: Police and Batterers In Bahia, Brazil

By Sarah J. Hautzinger

Brazil's innovative all-female police stations, installed as part of the return to civilian rule in the 1980s, mark the country's first effort to police domestic violence against women. Sarah J. Hautzinger's vividly detailed, accessibly written study explores this phenomenon as a window onto the shifting relationship between violence and gendered power struggles in the city of Salvador da Bahia. Hautzinger brings together distinct voices--unexpectedly macho policewomen, the battered women they are charged with defending, indomitable Bahian women who disdain female victims, and men who grapple with changing pressures related to masculinity and honor. What emerges is a view of Brazil's policing experiment as a pioneering, and potentially radical, response to demands of the women's movement to build feminism into the state in a society fundamentally shaped by gender.

Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007. 366p.