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Posts tagged culture
Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology


Neil Postman

Neil Postman's groundbreaking book, Technopoly, delves deep into the pervasive influence of technology on modern society. With keen insight and intellectual rigor, Postman challenges readers to critically examine the role of technology in shaping culture. By exploring how technology has become the dominant force in our lives, he raises crucial questions about the impact of this shift on human values, communication, and the very essence of our humanity. A timely and thought-provoking read, Technopoly offers a compelling exploration of the complex relationship between technology and culture in the digital age.

NY. Vintage. 1993. 233p.

Patterns of Culture


by Ruth Benedict

In "Patterns of Culture," renowned anthropologist Ruth Benedict explores the intricate tapestry of human societies through a comparative study of three different cultures: the Zuni of the American Southwest, the Dobuans of Melanesia, and the Kwakiutl of the Pacific Northwest. Through her insightful analysis, Benedict sheds light on the diverse ways in which these societies structure their beliefs, values, and social practices.

By delving deep into the customs, rituals, and traditions of each culture, Benedict reveals how distinct patterns emerge that shape the worldview and behaviors of its members. Drawing on her expertise in anthropology, she challenges readers to question their own cultural assumptions and consider the profound impact of environment and history on shaping human civilization.

With clarity and precision, "Patterns of Culture" offers a compelling examination of the complexities of culture and the rich diversity of human experience. Benedict's seminal work continues to inspire readers to explore the multifaceted layers of society and reflect on the fundamental elements that define who we are as individuals and communities.


The Italians


By Luigi Barzini

FROM THE COVER: “The most illuminating book about the Italians I have yet encountered; it explains thing about the Italian character and be havior which have been puzzling and infuriating me for the last twenty years, and does it all with the wit, brio and charm which distinguish everything Barzini writes.— HARPER'S

"Altogether wonderfully readable. Luigi Barzini paints a full-length portrait of his countrymen that is at once grave and witty, cynical and compassionate, somber and glittering, scholarly and stimulating." —CHICAGO TRIBUNE

NY. Bantam. 1969. 390p.

(Dis)Obedience in Digital Societies: Perspectives on the Power of Algorithms and Data

Edited by Sven Quadflieg, Klaus Neuburg, Simon Nestler

Algorithms are not to be regarded as a technical structure but as a social phenomenon - they embed themselves, currently still very subtle, into our political and social system. Algorithms shape human behavior on various levels: they influence not only the aesthetic reception of the world but also the well-being and social interaction of their users. They act and intervene in a political and social context. As algorithms influence individual behavior in these social and political situations, their power should be the subject of critical discourse - or even lead to active disobedience and to the need for appropriate tools and methods which can be used to break the algorithmic power.

Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2022. 381p.

Catharsis in Healing, Ritual and Drama

By T.J. Scheff

From the preface: “About nine years ago, after a decade of research on mental hospitals, I became convinced by the flaws I saw in existing programs that any system of treatment would be incomplete if it were based entirely upon professional therapists. Such a system, I thought, would need to be augmented by the development of a large group of lay therapists. These therapists would be trained and supervised by professionals. I had in mind relatively brief, simple training and supervision. My thought was that lay therapists coulddeal with many of the most frequently occurring types of emotional crises. Under these conditions, mental health professionals could be used as specialists, particularly as trainers and supervisors, and as therapists only for complex, difficult, or intractable cases…”

Berkeley. University Of California Press . 1979. 246p. This book contains mark-up

The Americans: The National Experience

By Daniel J. Boorstin

This book is a historical look at the people who became "The Americans." Main subject headings: The Versatiles: New Englanders, The Transients: Joiners, The Upstarts: Boosters, The Rooted and the Uprooted: Southerners, White and Black, The Vagueness of the Land, American Ways of Talking, Search for Symbols, A Spacious Republic. This second volume in “The Americans” trilogy deals with the crucial period of American history from the Revolution to the Civil War. Here we meet the people who shaped, and were shaped by, the American experience—the versatile New Englanders, the Transients and the Boosters. 

NY. Random House. 1965. 515p.

The Two Cultures

By C. P. Snow

The notion that our society, its education system and its intellectual life, is characterised by a split between two cultures—the arts or humanities on one hand, and the sciences on the other—has a long history. But it was C. P. Snow's Rede lecture of 1959 that brought it to prominence and began a public debate that is still raging in the media today. This 50th anniversary printing of The Two Cultures and its successor piece, A Second Look (in which Snow responded to the controversy four years later) features an introduction by Stefan Collini, charting the history and context of the debate, its implications and its afterlife. The importance of science and technology in policy run largely by non-scientists, the future for education and research, and the problem of fragmentation threatening hopes for a common culture are just some of the subjects discussed.

Cambridge U.K. 1951. 173p.

The Elephant, The Tiger, and the Cell Phone

By Shashi Tharoor

For more than four decades after gaining independence, PBI – India, with its massive size and population, staggering poverty and slow rate of growth, was associated with the plodding, somnolent elephant, comfortably resting on its achievements of centuries gone by. Then in the early 1990s the elephant seemed to wake up from its slumber and slowly begin to change—until today, in the first decade of the twenty-first century, some have begun to see it morphing into a tiger. As PBI – India turns sixty, Shashi Tharoor, novelist and essayist, reminds us of the paradox that is PBI – India, the elephant that is becoming a tiger: with the highest number of billionaires in Asia, it still has the largest number of people living amid poverty and neglect, and more children who have not seen the inside of a schoolroom than any other country.

So what does the twenty-first century hold for PBI – India? Will it bring the strength of the tiger and the size of an elephant to bear upon the PBI – World? Or will it remain an elephant at heart? In more than sixty essays organized thematically into six parts, Shashi Tharoor analyses the forces that have made twenty-first century PBI – India—and could yet unmake it. He discusses the country’s transformation in his characteristic lucid prose, writing with passion and engagement on a broad range of subjects, from the very notion of ‘PBI – Indianness’ in a pluralist society to the evolution of the once sleeping giant into a PBI – World leader in the realms of science and technology; from the men and women who make up his PBI – India—Gandhi and Nehru and the less obvious Ramanujan and Krishna Menon—to an eclectic array of PBI – Indian experiences and realities, virtual and spiritual, political and filmi. The book is leavened with whimsical and witty pieces on cricket, Bollywood and the national penchant for holidays, and topped off with an A to Z glossary on PBI – Indianness, written with tongue firmly in cheek.

Diverting and instructive as ever, artfully combining hard facts and statistics with personal opinions and observations, Tharoor offers a fresh, insightful look at this timeless and fast-changing society, emphasizing that PBI – India must rise above the past if it is to conquer the future.

NY. Arcade. 2007.. 498p.


By V. S. Naipaul

Returning to India--the subject of his acclaimed "An Area of Darkness"--in 1975, Naipaul produced this concise masterpiece of journalism and cultural analysis, a vibrant, defiantly unsentimental portrait of a society traumatized by repeated foreign invasions and immured in a mythic vision of its past. In 1975, at the height of Indira Gandhi's "Emergency," V. S. Naipaul returned to India, the country his ancestors had left one hundred years earlier. Out of that journey he produced a vibrant, defiantly unsentimental portrait of India. Drawing on novels, news reports, political memoirs, and his own encounters with ordinary Indians--from a supercilious prince to an engineer constructing housing for Bombay's homeless--Naipaul captures a vast, mysterious, and agonized continent inaccessible to foreigners and barely visible to its own people. He sees both the burgeoning space program and the 5,000 volunteers chanting mantras to purify a defiled temple; the feudal village autocrat and the Naxalite revolutionaries who combined Maoist rhetoric with ritual murder. Relentless in its vision, thrilling in the keenness of its prose, India: A Wounded Civilization is a work of astonishing insight and candor.

NY. Vintage. 1976. 161p.

The Lost Pianos of Siberia

By Sophy Roberts

From acclaimed journalist Sophy Roberts, a journey through one of the harshest landscapes on earth―where music reveals the deep humanity and the rich history of Siberia

Siberia’s story is traditionally one of exiles, penal colonies and unmarked graves. Yet there is another tale to tell.

Dotted throughout this remote land are pianos―grand instruments created during the boom years of the nineteenth century, as well as humble, Soviet-made uprights that found their way into equally modest homes. They tell the story of how, ever since entering Russian culture under the westernizing influence of Catherine the Great, piano music has run through the country like blood.

How these pianos traveled into this snow-bound wilderness in the first place is testament to noble acts of fortitude by governors, adventurers and exiles. Siberian pianos have accomplished extraordinary feats, from the instrument that Maria Volkonsky, wife of an exiled Decembrist revolutionary, used to spread music east of the Urals, to those that brought reprieve to the Soviet Gulag. That these instruments might still exist in such a hostile landscape is remarkable. That they are still capable of making music in far-flung villages is nothing less than a miracle.

The Lost Pianos of Siberia is largely a story of music in this fascinating place, fol-lowing Roberts on a three-year adventure as she tracks a number of different instruments to find one whose history is definitively Siberian. Her journey reveals a desolate land inhabited by wild tigers and deeply shaped by its dark history, yet one that is also profoundly beautiful―and peppered with pianos.

NY. Grove Press. 2020. 410p.

Greek Mythology

By Sonia Soul. Art by Michael Lacinere. Translation by Philip Kamp.

From the introduction: “.Intellect is the gift of the human race, the greatest and most enduring of all. This is the means by which it perceives, exists, creates and evolves, No matter haw extensive knowledge is, it has its limits. Intellect thirsts for fulfillment, to ceaselessly push these limits outward. Thus, people in that far-off period wanted to learn for they felt powerless and vulnerable in a world without bounds. They were deeply concerned with the beginning and the end and all the supernatural forces that could not be mastered. Through intellect, humanity came to fashion its view of the world. Utilizing the raw information from its immediate surroundings, it cultivated knowledge and experience, while imagination filled in the rest. Mankind had need of "Myth" because that was his own personal truth. His path in this increased his certitude about the world he had created around himelf. This is how we have come to accept the myth. In its conventional sense, that is, a narration that informs us about an older order of the world and explains it. The content of Greek mythology is not a simple matter. There is a practically endless series of accounts from various periods, and derivations on which  an  enormous classificatory endeavor has been expended and that is only the beginning. ...”

Athens. Techni. 1998. 118p.

The Evolution of Culture in Animals

By John Tyler Bonner. Original drawings by Margaret La Farge.

From the cover: “On the one hand, there is culture and on the other, biology; moreover, We (the people) have the former, and They (the animals) have the latter. Or so it is often said. Recently, however, the distinction has been blurred, as sociobi­ologists have become strikingly successful in interpreting complex animal social behavior in evolutionary (hence, biological) terms. Spurred by this success, several people have begun taking a new and controversial look at human culture, presupposing that it may also be strongly biological in some sense. In this simply written, brief yet elegant book, biologist Bonner looks in the other direction: he argues that many nonhuman animals experience culture, in one form or another.” —David P. Barash, The American Scientist

Princeton. Princeton University Press. 1990. 203p.

The Division of Labor In Society

By Emile Durkheim

Translated by George Simpson. From the Preface: The need for an English translation of Emile Durkheim’s De la division du travail social has long been felt. The first great work of a man who controlled French social thought for almost a quarter of a century and whose influence is now waxing rather than waning, it remains today, both from an historical and contextual standpoint, a book that must be read by all who profess some knowledge of social thought and some interest in social problems. First published in 1893 with the subtitle, Etude sur VOrganisation des Societes Superieures, and a dedica­tion “A Mon Cher Maitre, M. Emile Boutroux, Hommage respectueux et reconnaissatit,” it has gone through five editions, the last having been brought out in 1926, nine years after Durkheim’s death. The second edition appeared in 1902 with the now classic preface, Quelques Remarques sur les Groupements professionnels.The third edition appeared in 1907, the fourth in 1911.

In the second and subsequent editions Durkheim omitted many pages from the long introduction which he wrote for the first. I feel, however, that this introduction is fundamental to an understanding of Durkheim’s position and valuable in itself, besides being indispensable to an appreciation of a study which Durkheim had again turned to in his last years and which he considered his crowning work, the science of ethics. Conse­quently, I have appended it at the end of this volume. Nowhere else, except in the first French edition (now out of print), can this, Durkheim’s early development of the idea of a science of ethics, be found. Hence I consider it a great boon to sociological scholarship that I was enabled to have this first edition at my disposal, and present it to an English- speaking audience.

NY. The Free Press. 1964. 451p. THIS BOOK CONTAINS MARK-UP

A Dictionary Of Symbols

Byj. E. Cirlot

Translated from the Spanish by Jack Sage. Foreword by Herbert Read. Symbolism was an essential part of the ancient art of the Orient and of the medieval tradition in the West. It has been lately revived in the study of the unconscious, both directly in the field of dreams, visions and psycho-analysis, and indirectly in art and poetry. At the same time, the Gestalt theory of Kohler and Koffka, in pointing out the autonomy of ‘facts and expression’ and the parallel between the physical and the spiritual, has given renewed significance to the ancient principle of the Tabula smaragdina,‘What is above is what is below’. The basic aim of this work is to create a ‘cen­tre’ of general reference for sym- bological studies by clarifying the un­varying essential meaning of every symbol. The author uses the com­parative method, specifying the precise sources of information taken from a great number of widely vary­ing fields. This new edition of J.E. Cirlot’s book incorporates extensive revisions from the first edition of 1962.

NY. Philosophical Library, Inc. 1962. 497p.

Culture And Anarchy

By Matthew Arnold. Edited by J. Dover Wilson

From the cover: Manifesting the special intelligence of a literary critic of original gifts, Culture and Anarchy is still a living classic. It is addressed to the flexible and the disinterested, to those who are not committed to the findings of their particular discipline, and it assumes in its reader a critical intelligence that will begin its work with the reader himself. Arnold employs a delicate and stringent irony in an examination of the society of his time: a rapidly expanding industrial society, just beginning to accustom itself to the changes in its institutions that the pace of its own development called for. Coming virtually at the end of the decade (1868) and immediately prior to W. E. Forster’s Education Act, Culture and Anarchy phrases with a particular cogency the problems that find their centre in the questions: what kind of life do we think individuals in mass societies should be assisted to lead? How may we best ensure that the quality of their living is not impoverished? Arnold applies himself to the detail of his time: to the case of Mr Smith ‘who feared he would come to poverty and be eternally lost’, to the Reform agitation, to the commercial values that working people were encouraged to respect, and to the limitations of even the best Rationalist intelligence. The degree of local reference is therefore high, but Professor Dover Wilson’s introduction and notes to this edition supply valuable assistance to a reader fresh to the period. And they are informed by the respect and perceptive affection that Professor Dover Wilson brings to the work of Matthew Arnold as a whole.

London. Cambridge University Press. 1963. 270p.

The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology

By Alvin W. Gouldner.

From the Preface: Social theorists today work within a crumbling social matrix of paralyzed urban centers and battered campuses. Some may put cotton in their ears, but their bodies still feel the shock waves. It is no exaggeration to say that we theorize today within the sound of guns. The old order has the picks of a hundred rebellions thrust into its hide.

While I was working on this study, one of the popular songs of the time was "Come on Baby, Light My Fire.” It is characteristic of our time that this song, which during the Detroit riots was used as an ode to urban conflagration, was also subsequently made into a singing commercial by a Detroit auto manufacturer. One wonders: Is this “repressive tolerance,” or is it, more simply, that they just do not understand? It is this context of social contradictions and conflicts that is the historical matrix of what I have called “The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology.” What I shall be examining here is the reflec­tion of these conflicts in the idiom of social theory.

The present study is part of a larger work plan, whose first product was Enter Plato, and whose objective is to contribute to an historically informed sociology of social theory. The plan envisages a series of studies called "The Social Origins of Western Social Theory,” and I am now at work on two other volumes in it. One of these is on the relation of the nineteenth century Romantic move­ment to social theory, and another is a study in which I hope to connect the various analytic threads, presenting a more systematic and generalized sociological theory about social theories.

NY. Avon Books. 1970. 518p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Birth and Death of Meaning. An interdisciplinary perspective on the problem of man.

By Ernest Becker

What I have tried to do here is to present in a brief, challenging, and readable way the most important things that the various disciplines have dis­covered about man, about what makes people act the way they do. This is the most intimate question that we know, and what I want to do is to present to the intelligent reader that knowl­edge that the experts themselves get excited about. One curi­ous thing that separates the social from the natural sciences is that the natural sciences, with much fanfare, immediately com­municate to the general public their most exciting new ideas: the social sciences tend to nurse their significant insights in scholarly oblivion. As a result people feel that the social sciences are not doing anything important or exciting. But the opposite is true: probably the most thrilling and potentially liberating discoveries have been made in the fields of anthropology, so­ciology, psvchology, and psychiatry. The result is that we are today in possession of an excellent general theory of human nature, and this is what I want to reveal to the reader.

NY. The Free Press. 1971. 238p.

A Sense of Brutality: Philosophy after Narco-Culture

By Carlos Alberto Sánchez

Contemporary popular culture is riddled with references to Mexican drug cartels, narcos, and drug trafficking. In the United States, documentary filmmakers, journalists, academics, and politicians have taken note of the increasing threats to our security coming from a subculture that appears to feed on murder and brutality while being fed by a romanticism about power and capital. Carlos Alberto Sánchez uses Mexican narco-culture as a point of departure for thinking about the nature and limits of violence, culture, and personhood. A Sense of Brutality argues that violent cultural modalities, of which narco-culture is but one, call into question our understanding of “violence” as a concept. The reality of narco-violence suggests that “violence” itself is insufficient to capture it, that we need to redeploy and reconceptualize “brutality” as a concept that better captures this reality. Brutality is more than violence, other to cruelty, and distinct from horror and terror—all concepts that are normally used interchangeably with brutality, but which, as the analysis suggests, ought not to be. In narco-culture, the normalization of brutality into everyday life is a condition upon which the absolute erasure or derealization of people is made possible.

Amherst, MA: Amherst College Press, 2020. 171p.