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Posts in diversity
Mobilising the Racilaised 'Others': Postethnic Activism, Neoliberalisation and Racial Politics

By Suvi Keskinen

This book provides an original approach to the connections of race, racism and neoliberalisation through a focus on ‘postethnic activism,’ in which mobilisation is based on racialisation as non-white or ‘other’ instead of ethnic group membership. Developing the theoretical understanding of political activism under the neoliberal turn in racial capitalism and the increasingly hostile political environment towards migrants and racialised minorities, the book investigates the conditions, forms and visions of postethnic activism in three Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden and Finland). It connects the historical legacies of European colonialism to the current configurations of racial politics and global capitalism. The book compellingly argues that contrary to the tendencies of neoliberal postracialism to de-politicise social inequalities the activists are re-politicising questions of race, class and gender in new ways. The book is of interest to scholars and students in sociology, ethnic and racial studies, cultural studies, feminist studies and urban studies.

London; New York: Routledge, 2022. 164p.

Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads through Society

By Aaron Lynch

From the Preface:” This book introduces a new branch of science dealing with the evolution of ideas that program f for their own retransmission. These self-spreading ideas have been called memes ever since zoologist Richard Dawkins coined the term in his 1976 book, The Selfish Gene. After ten chapters on genetic evolution, he devoted the closing chapter to the nongenetic evolution of memes. Two years later, I independently reinvented this theory of self-propagating ideas, and realized that ti would someday warrant a whole book. I had coined a different neologism back then, but later adopted the term meme after a friend told me about Dawkins's meme chapter.”

NY. Basic Books, 1996. 194p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Extended Phenotype: The Long Reach of the Gene

By Richard Dawkins

From the Preface: “he first chapter does some of the work of a Preface, in explaining what the book does and does not set out to accomplish, so I can be brief here. It si not a textbook, nor an introduction to an established field. It is a personal look at the evolution oflife, and in particular at the logic of natural selection and the level in the hierarchy of life at which natural selection can be said toact. I happen to be an ethologist, but I hope preoccupations with animal behaviour will not be too noticeable.The intended scope of the book is wider. The readers for whom I am mainly writing are my professional colleagues. evolutionary biologists, ethologists and sociobiologists, ecologists, and philosophers and humanists interested in evolutionary science, including, of course, graduate and undergraduate students in all these disciplines. 'Therefore, although this book is in some ways the sequel to my previous book, The Selfish Gene, it assumes that the reader has professional knowledge of evolutionary biology and its technical terms. On the other hand it is possible to enjoy a professional book as a spectator, even if not a participant in the profession.

Oxford. New York. Oxford University Press. 1982. 319p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Selfish Gene

By Richard Dawkins

From the Preface: “This book should be read almostas though it were science fiction. It is designed to appeal to the imagination. But it is not science fiction: it is science. Cliché or not, 'stranger than fiction' expresses exactly how I feel aboutt h etruth. We are survivalmachinesr o b o t vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is atruth which still fils me with astonishment. Though I have known it for years, I never seem to get fully used to it. One of my hopes is that I may have some success in astonishing others.”

Oxford New York. Oxford University Press. 1976. 360p. CONTAINS MARK=UP

Adaptation In Cultural Evolution An Approach To Medical Anthropology

By Alexander Alland, Jr.

From the Preface: “My interest in human ecology, particularly its medical aspects, developed during my first field experience in the Ivory Coast, West Africa. There I was struck by the wide range of behaviors which made good sense in terms of basic hygiene. Among these were the use of pit latrines, apparently before European contact, frequent and thor- ough bathing, isolation of the sick in the case of certain highly contagious diseases, and the thorough cooking of food. The situation was, of course, by no means perfect, and many tropical diseases could be found in the popu- lation. Still, these people who had no concept of preven- tive medicine other than the use of charms to ward off disease had developed a basically sound set of hygiene practices.”

New York and London. Columbia University Press. 1970. 208p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Plan and Purpose in Nature

By George C. Williams

“'Eyes are for seeing and ears for hearing, but what is life itself for? Does it serve any purpose, or did it spring quite by chance from the primeval soup?' Sunday Telegraph

'Anyone with even a casual interest in evolution can enjoy and profit by Williams's book. It can be read like a novel, a novel of ideas. It is a great way to find out what a leading evolutionist is thinking about' Nature

London. Weidenfeld & Nicholson. 1996. 258p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Evolution of Desire:Strategies of Human Mating

By David M. Buss

From the Introduction: “Human Mating Behavior delights and amuses us and galvanizes our gossip, but it is also deeply disturbing. Few domains of human activity generate as much discussion, as many laws, or such elaborate rituals in al cultures. Yet the elements of human mating seem to defyunder- standing. Women and men sometimes find themselves choosing mates who abuse them psychologically and physically. Efforts to attract mates often backfire. Conflicts eruptwithin couples, producing downward spirals of blame and despair. Despite their best intentions and vows of life- long love, half of all married couples end up divorcing.

Pain, betrayal, and loss contrast sharply with the usual romantic notions of love. We grow up believing in true love, in finding our "one and only." We assume that once we do, we will marry in bliss and live happily ever after. But reality rarely coincides withour beliefs.Even a cursory look at the divorce rate, the 30 to 50 percent incidence of extramarital affairs, and the jealous rages that rack so many relation- ships shatters these illusions.”

NY. Basic Books. 1994. 265p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Origins of Virtue

By Matt Ridley

From the Introduction. This is a book about human nature, and in particular the surprisingly social nature of the human animal. We live in towns, work in teams, and our lives are spiders' webs of connections - linking us to relatives, colleagues, companions, friends, superiors, inferiors. We are, misanthropes not withstanding, unable to live without each other. Even on a practical level, it is probably a million years since any human being was entirely and convincingly self-sufficient: able to survive without trading his skills for those of his fellow humans.We are far more dependent on other members of our species than any other ape or monkey. We are more like ants or termites who live as slaves to their societies. We define virtue almost exclusively as pro-social behaviour, and vice as anti-social behaviour. Kropotkin was right to emphasize the huge role that mutual aid plays in our species, but wrong and anthropomorphic to assume that therefore it applied to other species as well. One of the things that marks humanity out from other species, and accounts for our ecological success, is our collection of hyper-social instincts.

London. Penguin,. 1996.294p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Theory of Evolution

By John Maynard Smith

From the cover: Al living plants and animals, including man, are the modified descendants of one or a few simple living things. A hundred years ago Darwin and Wallace in their theory of natural selection, or the survival of the fittest, explained how evolution could have happened, in terms of processes known to take place today. In this book, John Maynard Smith describes how their theory has been confirmed, but at the same time transformed, by recent research, and ni particular by the discovery of the laws of inheritance.

Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 1975. 371p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Blind Watchmaker: Why the evidence of evolution reveals a universe without design

By Richard Dawkins

From the introduction: “Darwinism encompasses all of life- human, animal, plant, bacterial, and, fi I am right in the last chapter of this book, extraterrestrial. It provides the only satisfying explanation forwhy we all exist, why we are the way that we are. It is t h ebedrock on which rest all t h edisciplines known as the humanities. I do not mean that history, literarycriticism, and the law should be recast in a specifically Darwinian mould. Far fromit, very far. But all human works are the products of brains, brainsare evolved data processing devices, and we shall misunderstand their works if we forget this fundamental fact. If more doctors understood Darwinism, humanity would not now be facing a crisis of antibiotic resistance. Darwinian evolution, as onereviewer has observed, 'is the most portentous natural truth that science has yet discovered'. I'd add, o'r is likely to discover.”

London. Norton. 1986. 360p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Optimising Emotions, Incubating Falsehoods: How to Protect the Global Civic Body from Disinformation and Misinformation

By Vian Bakir and Andrew McStay

This open access book deconstructs the core features of online misinformation and disinformation. It finds that the optimisation of emotions for commercial and political gain is a primary cause of false information online. The chapters distil societal harms, evaluate solutions, and consider what must be done to strengthen societies as new biometric forms of emotion profiling emerge. Based on a rich, empirical, and interdisciplinary literature that examines multiple countries, the book will be of interest to scholars and students of Communications, Journalism, Politics, Sociology, Science and Technology Studies, and Information Science, as well as global and local policymakers and ordinary citizens interested in how to prevent the spread of false information worldwide, both now and in the future.

Cham: Springer, 2022. 280p.

Primate Aggression, Territoriality, And Xenophobia: A Comparative Perspective

Edited By Ralph L. Holloway

From the Cover: This book is a truly wide-ranging comparative account of primate aggression. It covers the a gressive behavior of all primate taxa - from tree shrews to man - and incorporates not only social, behavioral, and physiological (i.e., endo- crinological and neurological) data, but also the broader ecological and evolutionary approaches. Each contributor is active in research in hisfield, and each fully develops his own particular view- point rather than attempting an artificial "syn- thesis of the whole field. The book will be of great interest and value to those in all of the behavioral sciences, e.g., psychobiology, anthropology, primatology, eth- ology, and psychology, as well as those in many of the life sciences, such as neurobiology, endocrinology, and zoology.

NY. Academic Press. 1974. 509p. CONTAINS MARK-UP.

Antisemitism in North America: New World, Old Hate

Edited by Steven K. Baum, Neil J. Kressel, Florette Cohen-Abady and Steven Leonard Jacobs

In Antisemitism in North America, leading scholars offer a wide variety of perspectives on why the Jews in North America have sometimes faced considerable bigotry but have, in general, found a home far more hospitable than the ones they left behind in Europe. ; Readership: Those who are interested in a scholarly understanding of prejudice antisemitism, Jewish studies, hate studies, religious studies, cultural studies, Holocaust and genocide studies, social psychology and social sciences.

Leiden; Boston:  Brill: 2016. 476p.

Narkomania: Drugs, HIV, and Citizenship in Ukraine

By Jennifer J. Carroll

Against the backdrop of a post-Soviet state set aflame by geopolitical conflict and violent revolution, Narkomania considers whether substance use disorders are everywhere the same and whether our responses to drug use presuppose what kind of people those who use drugs really are. Jennifer J. Carroll's ethnography is a story about public health and international efforts to quell the spread of HIV. Carroll focuses on Ukraine where the prevalence of HIV among people who use drugs is higher than in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and unpacks the arguments and myths surrounding medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in Ukraine. What she presents in Narkomania forces us to question drug policy, its uses, and its effects on "normal" citizens. Carroll uses her findings to explore what people who use drugs can teach us about the contemporary societies emerging in post-Soviet space. With examples of how MAT has been politicized, how drug use has been tied to ideas of "good" citizenship, and how vigilantism towards people who use drugs has occurred, Narkomania details the cultural and historical backstory of the situation in Ukraine. Carroll reveals how global efforts supporting MAT in Ukraine allow the ideas surrounding MAT, drug use, and HIV to resonate more broadly into international politics and echo into the heart of the Ukrainian public.

Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2019. 251p.


By Claude Levi-Strauss

From the cover: 'This work is significant not only for students of anthropolgy but for students of philosophy and psychology as well. The distinguished anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss examines here the great variety of beliefs encompassed by totemism, the attacks to which it has been subject, and the constant attempts to restore useful meaning to it. His account deals with the views of such renowned anthropologists as Boas, van Gennep, Elkin, Fortes, Firth, Evans-Pritchard, and Radcliffe- Brown; it also brings to light some neglected observations by Bergson and Rousseau. In reviewing the major theories about totemism, the author notes that ti has gradually come to be understood not as a distinctive institution, but as a way of thinking which is as characteristic of our own thinking as it is of the "primitives" for whom totemism was an integral part of life.

London. Beacon Press. 1963. 120p . CONTAINS MARK-UP.

Marginal People in Deviant Places: Ethnography, Difference, and the Challenge to Scientific Racism

By Janice M. Irvine

Marginal People in Deviant Places revisits early- to mid-twentieth-century ethnographic studies, arguing that their focus on marginal subcultures—ranging from American hobos, to men who have sex with other men in St. Louis bathrooms, to hippies, to taxi dancers in Chicago, to elderly Jews in Venice, California—helped produce new ways of thinking about social difference more broadly in the United States. Irvine demonstrates how the social scientists who told the stories of these marginalized groups represented an early challenge to then-dominant narratives of scientific racism, prefiguring the academic fields of gender, ethnic, sexuality, and queer studies in key ways. In recounting the social histories of certain American outsiders, Irvine identifies an American paradox by which social differences are both despised and desired, and she describes the rise of an outsider capitalism that integrates difference into American society by marketing it.

Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2022. 349p.

Antiracism Inc. Why the Way We Talk about Racial Justice Matters

Edited by Felice Blake Paula Ioanide and Alison  Reed

"Antiracism Inc. traces the ways people along the political spectrum appropriate, incorporate, and neutralize antiracist discourses to perpetuate injustice. It also examines the ways organizers continue to struggle for racial justice in the context of such appropriations. Antiracism Inc. reveals how antiracist claims can be used to propagate racism, and what we can do about it. While related to colorblind, multicultural, and diversity discourses, the appropriation of antiracist rhetoric as a strategy for advancing neoliberal and neoconservative agendas is a unique phenomenon that requires careful interrogation and analysis. Those who co-opt antiracist language and practice do not necessarily deny racial difference, biases, or inequalities. Instead, by performing themselves conservatively as non-racists or liberally as ‘authentic’ antiracists, they purport to be aligned with racial justice even while advancing the logics and practices of systemic racism. Antiracism Inc. therefore considers new ways of struggling toward racial justice in a world that constantly steals and misuses radical ideas and practices. The collection focuses on people and methods that do not seek inclusion in the hierarchical order of gendered racial capitalism. Rather, the collection focuses on aggrieved peoples who have always had to negotiate state violence and cultural erasure, but who work to build the worlds they envision. These collectivities seek to transform social structures and establish a new social warrant guided by what W.E.B. Du Bois called “abolition democracy,” a way of being and thinking that privileges people, mutual interdependence, and ecological harmony over individualist self-aggrandizement and profits. These aggrieved collectivities reshape social relations away from the violence and alienation inherent to gendered racial capitalism, and towards the well-being of the commons. Antiracism Inc. articulates methodologies that strive toward freedom dreams without imposing monolithic or authoritative definitions of resistance. Because power seeks to neutralize revolutionary action through incorporation as much as elimination, these freedom dreams, as well as the language used to articulate them, are constantly transformed through the critical and creative interventions stemming from the active engagement in liberation struggles."

Brooklyn, NY: Punctum Books, 2019. 382p.

The Clash of Civilizations: Remaking of World Order

By Samuel P. Huntington

From the Preface: “In the summer of 1993 the journal Foreign Affairs published an article of mine titled “The Clash of Civilizations?”. That article, according to the Foreign Affairs editors, stirred up more discussion in three years than any other article they had published since the 1940s. It certainly stirred up more debate in three years than anything else I have written. The responses and comments on it have come from every continent and scores of countries. People were variously impressed, intrigued, outraged, frightened, and perplexed by my argument that the central and most dangerous dimension of the emerging global politics would be conflict between groups from differing civilizations. Whatever else it did, the article struck a nerve in people of every civilization.

Given the interest in, misrepresentation of, and controversy over the article, it seemed desirable for me to explore further the issues it raised. One construc­tive way of posing a question is to state an hypothesis. The article, which had a generally ignored question mark in its title, was an effort to do that. This book is intended to provide a fuller, deeper, and more thoroughly documented answer to the articles question…”

NY. Touchstone. 1996. 350p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2023

By Stanford University. Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

From the document: "Welcome to the sixth edition of the AI [artificial intelligence] Index Report! This year, the report introduces more original data than any previous edition, including a new chapter on AI public opinion, a more thorough technical performance chapter, original analysis about large language and multimodal models, detailed trends in global AI legislation records, a study of the environmental impact of AI systems, and more. The AI Index Report tracks, collates, distills, and visualizes data related to artificial intelligence. Our mission is to provide unbiased, rigorously vetted, broadly sourced data in order for policymakers, researchers, executives, journalists, and the general public to develop a more thorough and nuanced understanding of the complex field of AI. The report aims to be the world's most credible and authoritative source for data and insights about AI."

Stanford University. 2023. 386p.

It Takes a System - The Systemic Nature of Racism and Pathways to Systems Change

By Sanjiv Lingayah

A new report by Dr Sanjiv Lingayah and ROTA shines a light on systemic racism. It takes a system provides a clear definition of this slippery concept and outlines an agenda for dismantling systemic racism. This includes creative efforts to bring to life how systems function as well as the development, by advocates and activists, of blueprints to show what a system that centres racial and other justice looks like.

Finally, to move towards a system that advances racial justice, we need proper funding for both the ‘fast’ work to deal with the crises of racial injustice and the ‘slow’ work of addressing systemic causes.

London: Beyond Race/Race on the Agenda , 2021. 20p.