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Surveying American State Police Agencies About Terrorism Threats, Terrorism Sources, and Terrorism Definitions

By Joshua D. Freilich, Steven M. Chermak, and Joseph Simone Jr.

ABSTRACT. This study presents American state police agencies’ perceptions about three signifi- cant terrorism and public safety issues. First, we asked about the threat posed by specified extremist groups nationally and to their state. We asked about the number of such groups and their supporters, and the number of activities each group parti- cipates in during a typical year in their state. We also asked about the number of criminal incidents each group commits and the number of their supporters arrested in a typical year. Second, we asked the agencies to rate the usefulness of fifteen spe- cified terrorism sources. Third, we queried the agencies about their views of eight terrorism definitions. These data were collected by surveying the fifty state police.

Terrorism and Political Violence, 21: 3, 450 — 475. DOI: 10.1080/09546550902950324 URL: