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Posts tagged criminal adaptation
DESIGN AGAINST CRIME: Crime Proofing Everyday Products


Edited by Paul Ekblom

In the realm of product design, the concept of crime-proofing everyday products has emerged as a vital consideration. With the objective of enhancing safety and security in mind, designers are exploring innovative ways to deter criminal activities through the very objects we interact with on a daily basis. By integrating elements such as tamper-proof features, anti-theft mechanisms, and user-friendly security measures, these products aim to provide users with a heightened sense of protection and peace of mind. Design Against Crime represents a proactive approach towards creating a more secure environment, where intelligent design serves as the first line of defense against potential threats.

Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2012 , 293 pages

Come at the king, you best not miss: criminal network adaptation after law enforcement targeting of key players

By Giulia Berlusconi

This paper investigates the impact of the targeting of key players by law enforcement on the structure, communication strategies, and activities of a drug trafficking network. Data are extracted from judicial court documents. The unique nature of the investigation – which saw a key player being arrested mid-investigation but police monitoring continuing for another year – allows to compare the network before and after targeting. This paper combines a quantitative element where network statistics and exponential random graph models are used to describe and explain structural changes over time, and a qualitative element where the content of wiretapped conversations is analysed. After law enforcement targeting, network members favoured security over efficiency, although criminal collaboration continued after the arrest of the key player. This paper contributes to the growing literature on the efficiency-security trade-off in criminal networks, and discusses policy implications for repressive policies in illegal drug markets.

Global Crime . 2022, Vol. 23, No. 1, 44–64