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Posts tagged software security
2024 Report on the Cybersecurity Posture of the United States


From the document: "The '2024 Report on the Cybersecurity Posture of the United States' assesses the cybersecurity posture of the United States, the effectiveness of national cyber policy and strategy, and the status of the implementation of national cyber policy and strategy by Federal departments and agencies. Additionally, this report highlights cybersecurity threats and issues facing the United States, including new or emerging technologies that may affect national security, economic prosperity, and the rule of law. This is the first edition of the report and covers calendar year 2023, with additional consideration of developments in 2024 preceding the publication of this report. Over the past year, U.S. national cybersecurity posture improved, driven by steady progress towards the 2023 National Cybersecurity Strategy's (NCS) vision of a defensible, resilient, and values-aligned digital ecosystem achieved through fundamental shifts in the underlying dynamics that shape cyberspace. The Administration has successfully begun implementation of the NCS Implementation Plan, which coordinates actions by departments and agencies across the Federal Government to make the President's affirmative vision a reality. These initial implementation actions set the foundation for further investment and sustained commitment by stakeholders across the digital ecosystem."

United States. Executive Office of the President. United States. Office of the National Cyber Director. 2024. 37p.

DESIGN AGAINST CRIME: Crime Proofing Everyday Products


Edited by Paul Ekblom

In the realm of product design, the concept of crime-proofing everyday products has emerged as a vital consideration. With the objective of enhancing safety and security in mind, designers are exploring innovative ways to deter criminal activities through the very objects we interact with on a daily basis. By integrating elements such as tamper-proof features, anti-theft mechanisms, and user-friendly security measures, these products aim to provide users with a heightened sense of protection and peace of mind. Design Against Crime represents a proactive approach towards creating a more secure environment, where intelligent design serves as the first line of defense against potential threats.

Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2012 , 293 pages

Special Report: Common Cybersecurity Weaknesses Related to the Protection of DoD Controlled Unclassified Information on Contractor Networks

United States. Department Of Defense. Office Of The Inspector General

From the document: "This special report provides insight into the common cybersecurity weaknesses identified in DoD Office of Inspector General (OIG) audit reports and through our support to the Defense Criminal Investigative Service and the Department of Justice on Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative investigations related to DoD contractor compliance with Federal cybersecurity requirements for protecting controlled unclassified information (CUI). CUI is not classified information but is information created or possessed by the Government that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls according to applicable laws, regulations, and Government-wide policies as defined in Executive Order 13526, 'Classified National Security Information,' December 29, 2009. From 2018 through 2023, the DoD OIG issued five audit reports focusing on DoD contractors' inconsistent implementation of Federal cybersecurity requirements for protecting CUI that are contained in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-171. Since 2022, the DoD OIG has provided support for five investigations under the Civil Cyber Fraud Initiative, which targets government contractors and grant recipients suspected of fraudulently attesting their compliance with the NIST SP 800-171 cybersecurity requirements. The common cybersecurity weaknesses identified in this special report provide DoD contracting officers with potential focus areas when assessing contractor performance and DoD contractors and grant recipients with potential focus areas before attesting to their compliance with NIST SP 800-171."

Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General, Report No. DODIG-'2024-'031. 24p.

CISA Open Source Software Security Roadmap

United States. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency

From the document: "The federal government, critical infrastructure, and state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments greatly depend upon open source software (OSS). OSS is software for which the human-readable source code is made available to the public for use, study, re-use, modification, enhancement, and re-distribution. OSS is part of the foundation of software used across critical infrastructure, supporting every single critical infrastructure sector [hyperlink] and every National Critical Function [hyperlink]: one study found that 96% of studied codebases across various sectors contain open source code, and 76% of code in studied codebases was open source. Therefore, to fulfill CISA's [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's] mission of understanding, managing, and reducing risks to the federal government and critical infrastructure, we must understand and protect the open source software that we rely upon. [...] CISA recognizes the immense benefits of open source software, which enables software developers to work at an accelerated pace and fosters significant innovation and collaboration. With these benefits in mind, this roadmap lays out how CISA will help enable the secure usage and development of OSS, both within and outside the federal government."

Washington. D.C United States. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency . 2023. 8p.