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Posts in diversity
Some facts regarding toleration, regulation, segregation and repression of commercialized vice

By the Committee of Sixteen.  The Committee of Sixteen in seeking sources for this report has studied the experience of various organizations m England and the United States formed for the suppression of vice, and has found them interestingly similar in aims and methods to its own We have found other organizations of private individuals, like ourselves, which have been formed because they desire, first, to get accurate information as to local conditions; second, to study experience elsewhere; and third, to make a continuous effort to deal with the vice problem.

Montreal: The Committee, 1919. 80p.

Protecting Children Online?

By Tijana Milosevic

Cyberbullying Policies of Social Media Companies. Foreword by Sonia Livingstone. This book investigates regulatory and social pressures that social media companies face in the aftermath of high profile cyberbullying incidents. The author’s research evaluates the policies companies develop to protect themselves and users. This includes interviews with NGO and social media company reps in the US and the EU. In an environment where e-safety is part of the corporate business model, this book unveils the process through which established social media companies receive less government scrutiny than start-ups.

MIT Press (2017) 297 pages.

The Popular Policeman and Other Cases: Psychological Perspectives on Legal Evidence.

By Willem Albert Wagenaar and Hans Crombag.

In this compelling title, two distinguished scholars share their experiences as expert witnesses in cases ranging from eyewitness testimony, person identification and recovered memories, to false confessions, collaborative storytelling and causal attribution, in the context of various interrogation techniques and their ability to deliver reliable results. Each chapter describes in lucid, entertaining prose a representative case in the context of scholarly literature to date, showing how psychological expertise has been (and can be) used in a legal setting. The cases include petty and serious crime, from illegal gambling, infringed trademarks and risqué courtship behaviour, to honour killing and death on the climbing wall. The authors' findings and recommendations apply to legal systems worldwide. There is no other English-language textbook covering a similarly wide range of offences, and this volume will fill a gap in the existing literature and demonstrate how psychological expertise can be used in a much larger area than is often realised.

Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2005. 288p.

Controlling Vice: Regulating Brothel Prostitution in St. Paul, 1865-1883,

by Joel Best. For eighteen years following the Civil War, the police in St. Paul, Minnesota, informally regulated brothel prostitution. Each month, the madams who ran the brothels were charged with keeping houses of ill fame and fined in the city’s municipal court. In effect, they were paying licensing fees in order to operate illegal enterprises. This arrangement was open; during this period, the city’s newspapers published hundreds of articles about vice and its regulation.

Joel Best claims that the sort of informal regulation in St. Paul was common in the late nineteenth century and was far more typical than the better known but brief experiment with legalization tried in St. Louis. With few exceptions, the usual approach to these issues of social control has been to treat informal regulation as a form of corruption, but Best’s view is that St. Paul’s arrangement exposes the assumption that the criminal justice system must seek to eradicate crime. He maintains that other policies are possible.

In a book that integrates history and sociology, the author has reconstructed the municipal court records for most of 1865–83, using newspaper articles, an arrest ledger kept by the St. Paul police, and municipal court dockets. He has been able to trace which madams operated brothels and the identities of many of the prostitutes who lived and worked in them.

Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2998. 184p

Cybersecurity: Public Sector Threats and Responses

Edited by Kim Andreasson.

The Internet has given rise to new opportunities for the public sector to improve efficiency and better serve constituents in the form of e-government. But with a rapidly growing user base globally and an increasing reliance on the Internet, digital tools are also exposing the public sector to new risks. An accessible primer, Cybersecurity: Public Sector Threats and Responses focuses on the convergence of globalization, connectivity, and the migration of public sector functions online. It identifies the challenges you need to be aware of and examines emerging trends and strategies from around the world. Offering practical guidance for addressing contemporary risks, the book is organized into three sections: Global Trends—considers international e-government trends, includes case studies of common cyber threats and presents efforts of the premier global institution in the field. National and Local Policy Approaches—examines the current policy environment in the United States and Europe and illustrates challenges at all levels of government. Practical Considerations—explains how to prepare for cyber attacks, including an overview of relevant U.S. Federal cyber incident response policies, an organizational framework for assessing risk, and emerging trends.

Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2011. 391p.

Encouraging hate crime reporting - The role of law enforcement and other authorities

This report examines why victims do not report bias-motivated incidents and the barriers that they face when reporting incidents through national crime reporting systems. By mapping existing practices that have a bearing on the victim’s experiences when reporting bias-motivated violence and harassment, it aims to provide evidence to support national efforts to encourage and facilitate reporting – and ultimately assist Member States in delivering on their duties with regard to combating hate crime.

Vienna, Austrla: European Union Agency for Fundamental Right. 2021. 85p.

Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities.

Edited ByVania Ceccato, Mahesh K. Nalla.

No city environment reflects the meaning of urban life better than a public place. A public place, whatever its nature—a park, a mall, a train platform or a street corner—is where people pass by, meet each other and at times become a victim of crime. With this book, we submit that crime and safety in public places are not issues that can be easily dealt with within the boundaries of a single discipline. The book aims to illustrate the complexity of patterns of crime and fear in public places with examples of studies on these topics contextualized in different cities and countries around the world. This is achieved by tackling five cross-cutting themes: the nature of the city’s environment as a backdrop for crime and fear; the dynamics of individuals’ daily routines and their transit safety; the safety perceptions experienced by those who are most in fear in public places; the metrics of crime and fear; and, finally, examples of current practices in promoting safety. All these original chapters contribute to our quest for safer, more inclusive, resilient, equitable and sustainable cities and human settlements aligned to the Global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

London. Taylor and Francis. Imprint Routledge. 2020. 484p.

Planning for Crime Prevention: A Transatlantic Perspective, 1st ed.

By Ted Kitchen, Richard H Schneider.

Crime and the fear of crime are issues high in public concern and on political agendas in most developed countries. This book takes these issues and relates them to the contribution that urban planners and participative planning processes can make in response to these problems. Its focus is thus on the extent to which crime opportunities can be prevented or reduced through the design, planning and management of the built environment. The perspective of the book is transatlantic and comparative, not only because ideas and inspiration in this and many other fields increasingly move between countries but also because there is a great deal of relevant theoretical material and practice in both the USA and the UK which has not previously been pulled together in this systemic manner.

London ; New York : Routledge, 2002. 356p.

The Codes of the Street in Risky Neighborhoods: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Youth Violence in Germany, Pakistan, and South Africa.

By Wilhelm Heitmeyer Simon Howell Sebastian Kurtenbach Abdul Rauf Muhammad Zaman Steffen Zdun. This book is the first comprehensive study of the street code concept attempting to determine if this concept and process exists in milieus beyond the United States, and if so where, and when it does, its extent, and how and why it is manifested. In sum, the purpose of the study is to provide “an international, cross-cultural comparison of the norms which define and make meaningful violence in three countries, namely Germany, South Africa, and Pakistan.

Open Access (2019) 196p.

Police Street Powers and Criminal Justice: Regulation and Discretion in a Time of Change

By Geoff Pearson and Mike Rowe.

Police Street Powers and Criminal Justice analyses the utilisation, regulation and legitimacy of police powers. Drawing upon six-years of ethnographic research in two police forces in England, this book uncovers the importance of time and place, supervision and monitoring, local policies and law. Covering a period when the police were under intense scrutiny and subject to austerity measures, the authors contend that the concept of police culture does not help us understand police discretion. They argue that change is a dominant feature of policing and identify fragmented responses to law and policy reform, varying between police stations, across different policing roles, and between senior and frontline ranks.

Hart Publishing (2020) 243 pages.

A Primer in Private Security

By Mahesh K. Nalla and Graeme R. Newman.

Way ahead of its time, in this classic text the authors convincingly introduce social science theory and methods to the field of private security. While they deal with the various approaches to private security including management styles and adaptations of regular policing styles, the significant innovation is the introduction of situational crime prevention -- at the time virtually unknown in the private policing field -- as a major tool of private security. Situational crime prevention today is widely used to solve a broad range of crime problems from car theft to terrorism, so remains even more relevant to private security than ever before. If you work in the private security or private policing field, indeed even regular public policing, this is a must read.

Police Matters: The Everyday State and Caste Politics in South India, 1900–1975.

By Radha Kumar. Police Matters moves beyond the city to examine the intertwined nature of police and caste in the Tamil countryside. Radha Kumar argues that the colonial police acted as tools of the state in deploying rigid notions of caste, refashioning rural identities in a process that has cast long postcolonial shadows.

Cornell University Press (2021) 249 pages.

Bombay City Police

A Historical Sketch 1672-1916

By S. M. Edwardes. “A perusal of the official records of the early period of British rule in Bombay indicates that the credit of first establishing a force for the prevention of crime and the protection of the inhabitants belongs to Gerald Aungier, who was appointed Governor of he Island in 1669 and filled that office with conspicuous ability until his death in Surat in 1677.”

Oxford University Press (1923) 240.