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The Great War on White Slavery

by Clifford Griffith Roe and B. S. Steadwell.

Or Fighting for the Protection of Our Girls. Truthful and chaste account op the hideous trade op buying and selling young girls for immoral purposes. startling disclosures made by white slaves during the trials of many pro- curers and traders. the cruel and inhuman treatment of white slaves. the astounding confession of a pander. graphic accounts of how white slaves are ensnared and a full exposi- tion of the methods and schemes used to lure and trap the girls. —also—Containing a Full Account of the Great Fight for the Suppression of White Slavery and the Great Movement for Purity in Our Homes.

London: Roe, 1911. 494p.

Commercialized Prostitution in New York City

By George Jackson Kneeland.

In presenting to the public this volume, the first of four studies dealing with various aspects of the problem of prostitution, it seems fitting to make a statement with reference to the origin, work and plans of the Bureau of Social Hygiene. The Bureau came into existence about two years ago, as a result of the work of the Special Grand Jury which investigated the white slave traffic in New York City during the first half of the year 1910. One of the recommendations made by the jury in the presentment handed up at the termination of its labors was that a public commission be appointed to study the social evil. The foreman of the jury subsequently gave careful con-, sideration to the character of the work which might properly be done by such a commission and the limitations under which it would operate. In this connection, sep- arate personal conferences were held with over a hundred leading men and women in the city, among whom were lawyers, physicians, business men, bank presidents, presidents of commercial organizations, clergymen, settlement workers, social workers, labor leaders and reformers. These conferences led to the conclusion that a public commission would labor under a number of disadvantages, such as the fact that it would be short-lived ; that its work would be done publicly; that at best it could hardly do...

The purpose of this volume is to set forth as accurately and fully as possible the conditions of vice as they existed in New York City during the year 19 12. It should be clearly understood that the data upon which it is based are not presented as legal evidence, but as reliable information secured by careful and experienced investi-gators, whose work was systematically corroborated. In presenting the facts contained in this report, the Bureau has no thought of criticizing any department or official of the city administration. The task which the Bureau set itself was that of preparing a dispassionate, objective account of things as they were during the period above mentioned, the forms which commercialized vice had assumed, the methods by which it was carried on, the whole network of relations which had been elaborated below the surface of society. The studies involved were made in a spirit of scientific inquiry, and it is the hope of the Bureau that all departments or officials whose work this book in any way touches may find the information therein contained helpful to them in the further direction and organization of their work.

New York: Century, 1913. 344p.

The White Slave Market

By Mrs. Archibald MacKirdy and W. N. Willis.

No one to whom Eate or Providence has been kind cares to step from pleasant everyday ways of life into treacherous and dangerous paths which lead to suffering and unpopularity. No man or woman who has within grasp means of following a pleasant way in life would accept a grievous charge and painful labour, save for conscience' sake, and with the hope of waking public opinion to its duty in a matter of national importance.written about, but the part of it relating to the East has not been previously dealt within a volume of this kind. Even in this country the fearful trade has not much diminished. It is quite true that some very notorious houses or rendezvous have beenclosed, and that one restaurant which washaunted by the unhappy women who have nomeans of getting a living but by selling themselves to men, has been raided and shut up.But this was chiefly done by the work of theSalvation Army, as I know, for I went outwith the midnight workers and saw what washappening.

London: Stanley Paul and Co., 1912. 346p.

The White Slave Traffic in America

By O. EdwardJanney.

There seems to be need for a description of the white slave traffic in this country, and for some account of the movement that has arisen for its suppression, together with a discussion of the methods that may be employed to accomplish that end. There are multitudes of parents, teachers and other persons having charge of young people, who are unaware of the dangers that threaten young women through the adroit agents of this traffic. These need to be informed.

New York: National Vigilance Committee, 1911. 203p.

The Shame of a Great Nation: The Story of the ''White Slave Trade"

By E. Norine Law.

Immorality not only clouds and destroys the intellect, It brings physical disease and decay, as well as spiritual death. The conditions of social vice and sexual impurity in exist- ence to-day in the United States are horrible, pitiable andalarming. We must try to cause an arrest of thought and teach a higher grade of ideals or no one can foresee what the awful results will be. Indeed, the sickening tales of impurity and sexual vice that can be told are enough to frighten every person really interested in saving the people from destruction. Not only the present but the future welfare of our people are at stake.

Harrisburg, PA: United Evangelical Publishing House, 1909. 199p.

The White Slave Trade

By the National Vigilance Association.

Transactions of the International Congress on the White Slave Trade....held in London, 1899. The White Slave Trade is the traffic in girls for immoral purposes, which is unhappily carried on not only in the East, where slavery is avowed, but more or less throughout Europe, For such girls there is a constant demand in the markets of vice, on the part of the infamous persons who keep houses of ill-fame with resident inmates. In all such houses the position of the miserable women is one of servitude. Their isolation, their friendlessness, the contempt with which they are usually regarded by respectable society, keep them under the control of the keepers of the houses ; who by charging them extortionate prices for everything supplied, and retaining the ownership of even the clothes they wear, keep them always nominally in their debt, a debt which is recovered when they sell the girl to another house. For the girl is often procured and bought at great expense, and as she becomes less and less valuable for the corrupt purpose, she is sold to lower and lower houses. This trade is of course comparatively little known in England, owing to the publicity of proceedings, and the high rate of wages, though the societies which concern themselves with such matters are continually coming across cases of young girls decoyed, or persuaded away to foreign parts; and even in England it is not always easy, in practice, to get a girl out of a brothel. But the poorer parts of Europe are visited by travelling agents, who have their local purveyors, and conduct their victims to the East and West, where they are lost in the bad houses. One large branch of the trade goes through Constantinople, another has its destination in the South American ports, chiefly Buenos Ayrea.

London : Printed by Wertheimer, Lea and Co., 1899. 174p.

Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls

By Ernest A. Bell.

Or War on the White Slave Trade. “ A complete and detailed account of the shameless traffic in young girls, the methods by -which the procurers and panders lure innocent young girls away from home and sell them to keepers of dives. The magnitude of the organization and its workings. How to combat this hideous monster. How to save YOUR GIRL. How to save YOUR BOY. What you can do to help -wipe out this curse of humanity. A book designed to awaken the sleeping and protect the innocent.”

Chicago: G.S. Ball, 1910. 482p.

Sex, Slavery and the Trafficked Woman

By Ramonna Vijeyarasa..

Myths and Misconceptions about Trafficking and its Victims. Sex, Slavery and the Trafficked Woman is a go-to text for readers who seek a comprehensive overview of the meaning of ’human trafficking’ and current debates and perspectives on the issue. It presents a more nuanced understanding of human trafficking and its victims by examining - and challenging - the conventional assumptions that sit at the heart of mainstream approaches to the topic. A pioneering study, the arguments made in this book are largely drawn from the author’s fieldwork in Ukraine, Vietnam and Ghana. The author demonstrates to readers how a law enforcement and criminal justice-oriented approach to trafficking has developed at the expense of a migration and human rights perspective. She highlights the importance of viewing trafficking within a broad spectrum of migratory movement. The author contests the coerced, female victim archetype as stereotypical and challenges the reader to understand trafficking in an alternative manner, introducing the counterintuitive concept of the ’voluntary victim’. Overall, this text provides readers of migration and development, gender studies, women’s rights and international law a comprehensive and multidisciplinary analysis of the concept of trafficking.

London; New York: Routledge, 2015. 284p.

The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling

Edited by Max Gallien and Florian Weigand.

The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling offers a comprehensive survey of interdisciplinary research related to smuggling, reflecting on key themes, and charting current and future trends. Divided into six parts and spanning over 30 chapters, the volume covers themes such as mobility, borders, violent conflict, and state politics, as well as looks at the smuggling of specific goods – from rice and gasoline to wildlife, weapons, and cocaine. Chapters engage with some of the most contentious academic and policy debates of the twenty-first century, including the historical creation of borders, re-bordering, the criminalisation of migration, and the politics of selective toleration of smuggling. As it maps a field that contains unique methodological, ethical, and risk-related challenges, the book takes stock not only of the state of our shared knowledge, but also reflects on how this has been produced, pointing to blind spots and providing an informed vision of the future of the field. Bringing together established and emerging scholars from around the world, The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling is an indispensable resource for students and researchers of conflict studies, borderland studies, criminology, political science, global development, anthropology, sociology, and geography.

London: Routledge, 2021. 484p.

Migration, Culture Conflict and Crime

Edited by Joshua D. Freilich, Graeme R. Newman, S. Giora Shoham and Moshe Addad.

This was one of the first social science books to recognize migration as THE issue of the 21st century. The issue of immigration and crime in all of its many contexts and forms, is a problem which increasingly affects numerous countries throughout the world. In many countries, immigrants have been accused of disproportionate involvement in crime while, in others, immigrants are often claimed to be the victims of criminal offenders, as well as indifferent criminal justice systems. The subjects covered within this informative collection include the offending and victimization rates of immigrants and their dependants, institutional racism, human trafficking/smuggling and ethnic conflicts. In particular, the problems faced by female immigrants are addressed in detail. Whilst some papers look at the issues facing particular countries, such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, Israel and Turkey, others adopt a more comparative approach. Migration, Culture Conflict and Crime is an essential and compelling read for all those with a strong interest in this important area. Not only does it significantly advance our scientific knowledge concerning the relationship between immigration, crime and justice, but it also sets forth a number of proposals which, if implemented, could address many of the problems found in these areas. It is as relevant today as the day it was published.

NY. Harrow and Heston Publishers. 2012.

Enduring Uncertainty: Deportation, Punishment and Everyday Life

By Ines Hasselberg.

What effect do British policies of deportation have on those facing deportation and their families? What strategies are devised to cope with and react to deportation? In what ways does deportability influence one’s sense of justice, security and self, and how does that translate into everyday life? In this book I address these questions through an examination of the deportation and deportability of foreign nationals convicted of one or more criminal offences in the UK.1 Taking London as the site of my field research, I explore the way foreign nationals’ deportability is felt, understood and experienced, as well as the strategies they deploy to cope with and react to their own deportation, or that of a close relative. Facing deportation implies the establishment or reinforcement of a relationship between the migrant and the host state. How that relationship develops and the resulting consequences are addressed here from the perspective of deportable migrants and their close relatives.

New York; Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books, 2016. 188p.

Asylum Matters

By Laura Affolter.

On the Front Line of Administrative Decision-Making.. The book explores the conditions of possibility that shape asylum decisions, taking us well beyond arguments about the apparently arbitrary nature of much asylum decision making, to show how such work is structured and made possible through routines, tacit forms of knowledge and shared meanings. In doing so, the book demonstrates that the distinction between rules on the one hand, and discretion on the other hand, is misplaced, as all decisions and judgements are made possible and constrained by wider histories and relationships”. —Prof. Tobias Kelly.

Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies (2021) 123p.

World of Walls

By Said Saddiki.

The Structure, Roles and Effectiveness of Separation Barriers. The crisis of borders and prisons can be seen starkly in statistics. In 2011 some 1,500 migrants died trying to enter Europe, and the United States deported nearly 400,000 and imprisoned some 2.3 million people―more than at any other time in history. International borders are increasingly militarized places embedded within domestic policing and imprisonment and entwined with expanding prison-industrial complexes. Beyond Walls and Cages offers scholarly and activist perspectives on these issues and explores how the international community can move toward a more humane future.Working at a range of geographic scales and locations, contributors examine concrete and ideological connections among prisons, migration policing and detention, border fortification, and militarization. They challenge the idea that prisons and borders create safety, security, and order,….

Open Book (2017) 154 pages.

The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights in Context

Edited By Charles C. Jalloh, Kamari M. Clarke, and Vincent O. Nmehielle .

Development and Challenges. “On 27 June 2014, the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union adopted the Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights (‘Malabo Protocol’). The Malabo Protocol, which seeks to establish the first-ever African court with a tripartite jurisdiction over human rights, criminal and general matters is aimed at complementing national, sub-regional and continental bodies and institu- tions in preventing serious and massive violations of human rights in Africa through, among other things, the prosecutions of the perpetrators of such crimes as specified in the statute annexed to the treaty.

Cambridge University Press. (2019) 1,200 pages.

Precarious Claims

By Shannon Gleeson.

The Promise and Failure of Workplace Protections in the United States. Over the last century, workers in the United States have come to enjoy an expanding array of workplace protections. The government apparatus that has sprung up to enforce these protections is also impressive. And yet, despite the proliferation of protections, expanding enforcement bureaucracies, and high-profile victories, there has nonetheless been a rise in polarized and precarious employment systems over the last four decades, leading to “bad jobs,” “degraded work” and “marginal workers.”

UC press. Luminous. (2016) 189 pages.

Jobs, Crime, and Votes – A Short-run Evaluation of the Refugee Crisis in Germany

By Markus Gehrsitz and Martin Streng.

Millions of refugees made their way to Europe between 2014 and 2015, with over one million arriving in Germany alone. Yet, little is known about the impact of this inflow on labor markets, crime, and voting behavior. This article uses administrative data on refugee allocation and provides an evaluation of the short-run consequences of the refugee inflow. Our identification strategy exploits that a scramble for accommodation determined the assignment of refugees to German counties resulting in exogeneous variations in the number of refugees per county within and across states. Our estimates suggest that migrants have not displaced native workers but have themselves struggled to find gainful employment. We find moderate increases in crime and our analysis further indicates that while at the macro level increased migration was accompanied by increased support for anti-immigrant parties, exposure to refugees at the micro-level had the opposite effect.

Mannheim: ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, 2016. 56p.

Migration: A COMPAS Anthology

Edited by Bridget Anderson and Michael Keith.

Migration: The COMPAS Anthology is a unique compendium of short articles, poems and images on the multiple interlinked practices, policies, responses and experiences that make up the phenomenon ‘migration’. This anthology is designed both as a teaching and research resource and as a provocation, posing questions and sharing insights on migration and linking it to wider patterns of social change.

Oxford, UK: ESRC Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), 2014. 233p.

Exploitative Sham Marriages: Exploring the Links between Human Trafficking and Sham Marriages in Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia

Edited by Minna Viuhko, Anni Lietonen, Anniina Jokinen, and Matti Joutsen.

European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI) in cooperation with partners from Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania and the Slovak Republic, has recently completed a transnational project entitled “Preventing human trafficking and sham marriages: a multidisciplinary solution” (HESTIA). The project is the first systematic research on the links between human trafficking and sham marriages. The final report consists of five individual country reports in addition to an introductory chapter which summarises the main findings.

In short, the project was coordinated by the Latvian Ministry of Interior and conducted under the European Union programme “Prevention of and Fight against Crime”. The project team developed the concept “exploitative sham marriage” in order to describe the phenomenon studied. Each partner conducted a national research which was coordinated and led by HEUNI. Primarily qualitative data was collected, such as expert and victim interviews in combination with case descriptions from NGOS and embassies. Also statistical information and pre-trial investigation and court material were utilised. The report is written for a large variety of experts and professionals

Helsinki: HEUNI - European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, 2016. 384p.

Don’t Dump Me In A Foreign Land: Immigration detention and young arrivers

By Dan Godshaw.

Young arrivers to the UK come from a wide variety of backgrounds and situations. Many are fleeing persecution or conflict; many have suffered the breakdown of their families through a range of circumstances. Many, by the time they are adults, have known no other home and are, to all intents and purposes, British. All are people asking for our help. They should find protection, fairness and clarity in our immigration system and in statutory support systems. Instead, far too many people are failed by the systems at many different points. This report, written with a focus on first-hand testimonies, explores the realities young arrivers face, with particular regard to immigration detention. We make a number of recommendations for changes that we believe are needed, with actions required from government, from local authorities, and from support services

Crawley, UK: Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group, 2017. 56p.

Migration and asylum: The contribution of frontier research to the understanding of human mobility across frontiers

European Research Council.

Why do people leave their homes for another place? What are the changing patterns of mobility? What are the impacts on the lives –too often at peril- of people who move across borders? What are the effects on the culture, social fabric, politics and economy of both ‘sending’, ‘transit’ and ‘receiving’ countries? These are among the questions the research community has been engaged with for a long time. These issues have gained even more visibility recently, as they keep challenging theories and methods, requiring more empirical work.

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union , 2017. 65p.