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Posts in Criminal Justice
Immigration Justice

By Peter Higgins.

The title of this book signifies that immigration policy is not a matter of ethics (understood to refer to the moral analysis of individual action and character), but is rather a matter of justice, and more precisely, structural justice. A central contention of this book is that the justice of an immigration policy can be ascertained only through consideration of the pervasive, systematic, and unjust inequalities engendered by the institutions that constitute our social world. This is because immigration policies affect people not as individuals per se, but as members of social groups that are brought into existence by the ways in which formal rules, informal norms, and stable practices (that is, social institutions) unequally distribute opportunities among those implicated in them. That is to say, the way an immigration policy affects a person is not idiosyncratic, but rather is a function of that person’s gender, race, economic class, sexuality, ability, age, and citizenship status, among other things. What I am asserting here, but will argue for throughout this book, is that one cannot wholly determine whether or not an immigration policy is just in our social world, given its present nature, unless one’s principles for making such assessments treat gender, race, economic class, sexuality, and so on, as salient categories of analysis.

Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. 281p.

Out of the Shadows, Into the Streets!

by Sasha Costanza-Chock.

Transmedia Organizing and the Immigrant Rights Movement.. From the Foreword: “A key issue in this often blurred debate is the role of communication technologies in the formation, organization, and development of the movements. Throughout history, communication has been central to the existence of social movements, which develop beyond the realm of institutionalized channels for the expression of popular demands. It is only by communicating with others that outraged people are able to recognize their collective power before those who control access to the institutions..”

Creative Commons (2014) 295p.

Asylum Matters: On the Front Line of Administrative.Decision-Making

By Laura Affolter.

This open access book examines everyday practices in an asylum administration. Asylum decisions are often criticised as being ‘subjective’ or ‘arbitrary’. Asylum Matters turns this claim on its head. Through the ethnographic study of asylum decision-making in the Swiss Secretariat for Migration, the book shows how regularities in administrative practice and ‘socialised subjectivity’ are produced. It argues that asylum caseworkers acquire an institutional habitus through their socialisation on the job, making them ‘carriers’ of routine practices. The different chapters of the book deal with what it means to methodologically study administrative practice: with how asylum proceedings work in Switzerland and with the role different types of knowledge play in overcoming the uncertainties inherent in refugee status and credibility determination.

Springer Nature, 2021. 213p.

Refugees and the Violence of Welfare Bureaucracies in Northern Europe

Edited by Dalia Abdelhady, Nina Gren, and Martin Joormann.

Given the significant similarities and differences between the welfare states of Northern Europe and their reactions to the perceived 'refugee crisis' of 2015, the book focuses primarily on the three main cases of Denmark, Sweden and Germany. Placed in a wider Northern European context – and illustrated by those chapters that also discuss refugee experiences in Norway and the UK – the Danish, Swedish and German cases are the largest case studies of this edited volume. Thus, the book contributes to debates on the governance of non-citizens and the meaning of displacement, mobility and seeking asylum by providing interdisciplinary analyses of a largely overlooked region of the world, with two specific aims.

Manchester University Press, 2020. 244p

Beyond Borders

Edited by Molly Land, Kathryn Libal, Jillian Chambers.

The human rights of noncitizens at home and abroad. Beyond Borders explores what obligations we owe to those outside our political community. Drawing on contributions from a broad variety of disciplines – from literature to political science to philosophy – the volume considers the failures of law and politics to guarantee rights for the most vulnerable and attempts to imagine new forms of belonging grounded in ideas of solidarity, empathy, and responsibility in order to identify a more robust basis for the protection of non-citizens at home and abroad.

Cambridge University Press. (2021) 300 pages.

Confronting root causes: forced labour in global supply chains

By Genevieve LeBaron, Neil Howard, Cameron Thibos and Penelope Kyritsis .

It is by now widely recognised that effectively tackling forced labour in the global economy means addressing its ‘root causes’. Policymakers, business leaders and civil society organisations all routinely call for interventions that do so.1-2 Yet what exactly are these root causes? And how do they operate? The two most commonly given answers are ‘poverty’ and ‘globalisation’.3 Although each may be foundational to forced labour, both terms are typically used in nebulous, catch-all ways that serve more as excuses than explanations. Both encompass and obscure a web of decisions and processes that maintain an unjust status quo, while being used as euphemisms for deeper socio-economic structures that lie at the core of the capitalist global economy. The question thus becomes: exactly which aspects of poverty and globalisation are responsible for the endemic labour exploitation frequently described with the terms forced labour, human trafficking or modern slavery? Which global economic processes ensure a constant and low-cost supply of highly exploitable and coerced workers? And which dynamics trigger a demand among businesses for their exploitation, making it possible for them to profit from it? This 12-part report is an attempt to answer these questions in a rigorous yet accessible way. With it, we hope to provide policymakers, journalists, scholars and activists with a road map for understanding the political economy of forced labour in today’s “global value chain world”.

Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute, 2018. 100p.

The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling

Edited by Max Gallien and Florian Weigand.

The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling offers a comprehensive survey of interdisciplinary research related to smuggling, reflecting on key themes, and charting current and future trends. Divided into six parts and spanning over 30 chapters, the volume covers themes such as mobility, borders, violent conflict, and state politics, as well as looks at the smuggling of specific goods – from rice and gasoline to wildlife, weapons, and cocaine. Chapters engage with some of the most contentious academic and policy debates of the twenty-first century, including the historical creation of borders, re-bordering, the criminalisation of migration, and the politics of selective toleration of smuggling. As it maps a field that contains unique methodological, ethical, and risk-related challenges, the book takes stock not only of the state of our shared knowledge, but also reflects on how this has been produced, pointing to blind spots and providing an informed vision of the future of the field. Bringing together established and emerging scholars from around the world, The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling is an indispensable resource for students and researchers of conflict studies, borderland studies, criminology, political science, global development, anthropology, sociology, and geography.

London: Routledge, 2021. 484p.

Migration, Culture Conflict and Crime

Edited by Joshua D. Freilich, Graeme R. Newman, S. Giora Shoham and Moshe Addad.

This was one of the first social science books to recognize migration as THE issue of the 21st century. The issue of immigration and crime in all of its many contexts and forms, is a problem which increasingly affects numerous countries throughout the world. In many countries, immigrants have been accused of disproportionate involvement in crime while, in others, immigrants are often claimed to be the victims of criminal offenders, as well as indifferent criminal justice systems. The subjects covered within this informative collection include the offending and victimization rates of immigrants and their dependants, institutional racism, human trafficking/smuggling and ethnic conflicts. In particular, the problems faced by female immigrants are addressed in detail. Whilst some papers look at the issues facing particular countries, such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, Israel and Turkey, others adopt a more comparative approach. Migration, Culture Conflict and Crime is an essential and compelling read for all those with a strong interest in this important area. Not only does it significantly advance our scientific knowledge concerning the relationship between immigration, crime and justice, but it also sets forth a number of proposals which, if implemented, could address many of the problems found in these areas. It is as relevant today as the day it was published.

NY. Harrow and Heston Publishers. 2012.

Enduring Uncertainty: Deportation, Punishment and Everyday Life

By Ines Hasselberg.

What effect do British policies of deportation have on those facing deportation and their families? What strategies are devised to cope with and react to deportation? In what ways does deportability influence one’s sense of justice, security and self, and how does that translate into everyday life? In this book I address these questions through an examination of the deportation and deportability of foreign nationals convicted of one or more criminal offences in the UK.1 Taking London as the site of my field research, I explore the way foreign nationals’ deportability is felt, understood and experienced, as well as the strategies they deploy to cope with and react to their own deportation, or that of a close relative. Facing deportation implies the establishment or reinforcement of a relationship between the migrant and the host state. How that relationship develops and the resulting consequences are addressed here from the perspective of deportable migrants and their close relatives.

New York; Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books, 2016. 188p.

Asylum Matters

By Laura Affolter.

On the Front Line of Administrative Decision-Making.. The book explores the conditions of possibility that shape asylum decisions, taking us well beyond arguments about the apparently arbitrary nature of much asylum decision making, to show how such work is structured and made possible through routines, tacit forms of knowledge and shared meanings. In doing so, the book demonstrates that the distinction between rules on the one hand, and discretion on the other hand, is misplaced, as all decisions and judgements are made possible and constrained by wider histories and relationships”. —Prof. Tobias Kelly.

Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies (2021) 123p.

World of Walls

By Said Saddiki.

The Structure, Roles and Effectiveness of Separation Barriers. The crisis of borders and prisons can be seen starkly in statistics. In 2011 some 1,500 migrants died trying to enter Europe, and the United States deported nearly 400,000 and imprisoned some 2.3 million people―more than at any other time in history. International borders are increasingly militarized places embedded within domestic policing and imprisonment and entwined with expanding prison-industrial complexes. Beyond Walls and Cages offers scholarly and activist perspectives on these issues and explores how the international community can move toward a more humane future.Working at a range of geographic scales and locations, contributors examine concrete and ideological connections among prisons, migration policing and detention, border fortification, and militarization. They challenge the idea that prisons and borders create safety, security, and order,….

Open Book (2017) 154 pages.

The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights in Context

Edited By Charles C. Jalloh, Kamari M. Clarke, and Vincent O. Nmehielle .

Development and Challenges. “On 27 June 2014, the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union adopted the Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights (‘Malabo Protocol’). The Malabo Protocol, which seeks to establish the first-ever African court with a tripartite jurisdiction over human rights, criminal and general matters is aimed at complementing national, sub-regional and continental bodies and institu- tions in preventing serious and massive violations of human rights in Africa through, among other things, the prosecutions of the perpetrators of such crimes as specified in the statute annexed to the treaty.

Cambridge University Press. (2019) 1,200 pages.

Migration: A COMPAS Anthology

Edited by Bridget Anderson and Michael Keith.

Migration: The COMPAS Anthology is a unique compendium of short articles, poems and images on the multiple interlinked practices, policies, responses and experiences that make up the phenomenon ‘migration’. This anthology is designed both as a teaching and research resource and as a provocation, posing questions and sharing insights on migration and linking it to wider patterns of social change.

Oxford, UK: ESRC Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), 2014. 233p.

Don’t Dump Me In A Foreign Land: Immigration detention and young arrivers

By Dan Godshaw.

Young arrivers to the UK come from a wide variety of backgrounds and situations. Many are fleeing persecution or conflict; many have suffered the breakdown of their families through a range of circumstances. Many, by the time they are adults, have known no other home and are, to all intents and purposes, British. All are people asking for our help. They should find protection, fairness and clarity in our immigration system and in statutory support systems. Instead, far too many people are failed by the systems at many different points. This report, written with a focus on first-hand testimonies, explores the realities young arrivers face, with particular regard to immigration detention. We make a number of recommendations for changes that we believe are needed, with actions required from government, from local authorities, and from support services

Crawley, UK: Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group, 2017. 56p.

Lost in Migration

By M. Buddenbaum and S. E. Rap.

Working together to protect children from disappearances, from European priorities to local realities. Challenges and progress in implementing the European Commission Communication on the Protection of Children in Migration: Providing effective protection and enhancing integration at local level. Since 2015 and the increase of migrants’ and refugees’ arrivals in Europe, women and children on the move outnumber adult men. UNICEF has estimated that 5.4 million migrant children live in Europe. In 2017, 32,000 children arrived in Greece, Italy, Spain and Bulgaria, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). At least 54% of them were unaccompanied or separated from their parents. Hundreds of children are held in immigration detention throughout Europe, although exact numbers are lacking. Missing Children Europe and the Maltese President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society found that the lack of efficient protection systems at the local level and the limited use of solidarity mechanisms among EU member states have increasingly exposed children to violence, exploitation and abuse. Europol noted that at least 10,000 unaccompanied children went missing in 2015 and national reports prove that children have continued to go missing due to poor conditions in some reception centres, lack of information on their rights and potential remedies, slow and complex procedures for protection, lack of training for professionals in contact with children and lack of coordination at national and cross-border level.

Leiden: University of Leiden; Missing Children Europe, 2018. 72p.

Bad News for Refugees

By Greg Philo, Emma Briant, and Pauline Donald.

This book examines the media coverage of refugees and asylum seekers in the United Kingdom, and the impact this has on public understanding and on the everyday lives of different communities in Britain. Much of this coverage presents the issues of refuge and asylum as critical problems for the United Kingdom. Here we look at what the public is told and consider what is left out of the media narratives. We show how the TV and press coverage corresponds with key political events, and how politicians respond to public fears and anxieties which are themselves featured in and also generated by the popular press and other media.

London: Pluto Press, 2013. 225p.

Whence They Came: Deportation from Canada, 1900-1935

By Barbara Roberts.

Until recently, immigration policy was largely in the hands of a small group of bureaucrats, who strove desperately to fend off “offensive” peoples. Barbara Roberts explores these government officials, showing how they not only kept the doors closed but also managed to find a way to get rid of some of those who managed to break through their carefully guarded barriers. Robert’s important book explores a dark history with an honest and objective style.

Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1988. 259p.

Crossing and Controlling Borders: Immigration Policies and their Impact on Migrants' Journeys

Edited by Mechthild Baumann, Astrid Lorenz, Kerstin Rosenow-Williams.

Both the interests of nation states to manage migration and the behavior of migrants during their individual journeys have mutually reinforcing effects on the design and functioning of contemporary migration regimes. This assumption has motivated the interdisciplinary approach of this volume. The aim is to understand how immigration policies affect migrants’ journeys and vice versa. We want to find out whether or not the assumptions that lead to the design of immigration policies reflect reality. Does border control prevent irregular immigration? And what is the role of the various actors, including the countries of origin, transit, and arrival, and the migrants themselves? In order to answer these questions, we bring together insights from political science and ethnographic field work—two disciplines which have so far debated their insights mainly within separate research frameworks. The articles take into account the interests of the migrants’ countries of origin, transit and arrival, as well as the motives and strategies of the migrants themselves. The resulting findings are relevant to both policy makers and scientific experts, but also to anyone interested in governing migration.

Opladen & Farmington Hills, MI. Budrich UniPress Ltd. , 2011. 290p.

Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation

Edited by Sieglinde Rosenberger, Verena Stern,and Nina Merhaut.

European societies have been confronted with rapid social and cultural transformation, which took on a new magnitude with the “long summer of migration” in 2015. In general, the perceptions and experiences of change never go uncontested; change gives rise to conflicts and struggles over collective identities, policy, and legal responses. International migration flows and related issues such as asylum and the deportation of non-citizens have grown into one of Europe’s most controversial and politicized topics. Political parties campaign on these issues, but there is also political protest articulated by movements, activists, grassroots organizations and ordinary citizens. These acts of resistance are gaining in qualitative and quantitative importance. They include voices for more liberal and open stances towards migration on the one hand, and voices calling for greater deterrents and coercive policy approaches on the other.

Cham: Springer, 2018. 294p.

Cultural Genocide: Law, Politics, and Global Manifestations

Edited by Jeffrey S. Bachman.

This book explores concepts of Cultural genocide, its definitions, place in international law, the systems and methods that contribute to its manifestations, and its occurrences. Through a systematic approach and comprehensive analysis, international and interdisciplinary contributors from the fields of genocide studies, legal studies, criminology, sociology, archaeology, human rights, colonial studies, and anthropology examine the legal, structural, and political issues associated with cultural genocide. This includes a series of geographically representative case studies from the USA, Brazil, Australia, West Papua, Iraq, Palestine, Iran, and Canada. This volume is unique in its interdisciplinarity, regional coverage, and the various methods of cultural genocide represented, and will be of interest to scholars of genocide studies, cultural studies and human rights, international law, international relations, indigenous studies, anthropology, and history.

London; New York: Routledge, 2019. 303p.