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Posts tagged philosophy



"The Will to Believe: And Other Essays in Popular Philosophy" is a thought-provoking collection of essays by renowned philosopher William James. Delving into the realms of belief, faith, and truth, James challenges readers to explore the significance of our deepest convictions in shaping our lives. Through engaging prose and philosophical insight, this book invites readers to contemplate the nature of belief and the power it holds over our actions and perceptions. Whether you are an avid philosopher or simply curious about the complexities of human thought, "The Will to Believe" offers a compelling journey into the realms of popular philosophy that will leave you questioning your own beliefs and values.

Longnans Green. Project Gutenberg. 1896. 173p.



By William James

In this highly anticipated sequel to the influential work 'Pragmatism,' author A continues to delve into the intricate nature of truth and reality. Building upon the foundations laid out in the original book, 'The Meaning of Truth' takes readers on a thought-provoking journey exploring the complexities of how we perceive and understand the world around us.

Through engaging prose and compelling insights, A challenges readers to reconsider their preconceptions about truth, inviting them to question the very essence of reality. This sequel is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of pragmatism and its implications on our daily lives.

'The Meaning of Truth' promises to be a captivating continuation of A's exploration into the fundamental concepts that shape our understanding of truth and existence. Dive into this enlightening sequel and discover a new perspective on the profound mysteries of the world we inhabit.

Project Guttenburg. 1909. 86p.



Soren Kierkegaard. Translated by ALEXANDER DRU. Introduction by WALTER KAUFMANN


In "The Present Age," Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard reflects on the state of society during his time, critiquing the lack of passion, depth, and authenticity in the modern age. He delves into the concept of constant distraction and the rise of a superficial culture driven by the pursuit of instant gratification. Kierkegaard challenges readers to question the values and norms prevalent in society, encouraging them to seek a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.


Exploring the distinction between a genius and an apostle, Kierkegaard delves into the realms of individuality and universality. While a genius may possess exceptional talent and creativity, an apostle embodies a higher calling, serving as a messenger of profound truths and ideals. Kierkegaard emphasizes the transformative power of faith and purpose in distinguishing between mere brilliance and true enlightenment, inviting readers to contemplate the significance of their contributions to the world.


PRAGMATISM PRAGMATISM: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking

By William James

"PRAGMATISM: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking" delves into the philosophy of pragmatism, shedding light on how this approach offers a fresh perspective on age-old concepts. In this insightful exploration, readers are invited to reconsider traditional modes of thought through the lens of pragmatism, which emphasizes practicality and real-world application. This thought-provoking book challenges readers to reflect on the ways in which pragmatism can reshape their understanding of familiar ideas, making it a must-read for those seeking a more pragmatic approach to navigating the complexities of life.

Harvard 1907. 80p.



Essays Selected and Introduced by Thomas Landon Thorso

Plato explores the captivating enigma of one of the most influential philosophers in history. Plato's ideas continue to shape our understanding of society, politics, and ethics. But was Plato truly an advocate for totalitarian rule, as some argue, or did his vision align more with democratic principles? Delve into this thought-provoking analysis that challenges conventional interpretations and sheds new light on the complex legacy of Plato. Engaging and informative, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the origins of political thought.

PRENTICE-HALL, INC., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.. 1963. 190p.

ONE-DIMENSIONAL MAN: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society


by Herbert Marcuse

One-Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse is a seminal work that delves into the intricacies of advanced industrial society and the subtle ways in which ideology influences and shapes our everyday lives. By exploring the concept of one-dimensionality, Marcuse dissects the impact of technological advancements, consumer culture, and social control mechanisms on individual freedom and critical thinking.

Through insightful analysis and thought-provoking arguments, Marcuse challenges readers to question the status quo and break free from the confines of a society that promotes homogeneity and conformity. One-Dimensional Man serves as a critical examination of contemporary society while providing a roadmap for envisioning a more liberated and authentic existence. This book continues to resonate with readers seeking to navigate the complexities of modern life and understand the forces that shape our collective consciousness.

Beacon Press. Boston. 1964. 274p.




On the Genealogy of Morals--Ecce Homo by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Walter Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale, delves into Nietzsche's exploration of the origin and development of moral values in society. In this profound work, Nietzsche challenges traditional beliefs about good and evil, shedding light on the complex interplay between power, culture, and morality. With incisive analysis and provocative insights, Nietzsche's timeless examination offers readers a thought-provoking journey into the fundamental nature of ethics and human behavior. This translation, skillfully rendered by Kaufmann and Hollingdale, captures the essence of Nietzsche's visionary ideas, making this philosophical masterpiece accessible to contemporary audiences seeking to unravel the mysteries of morality and existence.

A Division of Random House. VINTAGE BOOKS. NEW YORK. 1967. 374p.



Moral Principles in Education by John Dewey is a seminal work that explores the fundamental role of ethical values in the educational process. Originally published in 1909, Dewey's insightful analysis delves into the importance of instilling moral principles in students to cultivate responsible citizenship and ethical decision-making.

Drawing on his expertise in philosophy and education, Dewey argues that education should not only focus on academic knowledge but also on fostering moral character and social responsibility. Through engaging prose and thought-provoking ideas, the book challenges traditional educational practices and advocates for a more holistic approach to teaching and learning.

With timeless wisdom and relevance, Moral Principles in Education continues to inspire educators and scholars to consider the ethical dimensions of education and the profound impact it can have on shaping individuals and societies. Dewey's groundbreaking work remains essential reading for anyone passionate about the intersection of ethics and education.


Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life



In "Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life," author Sissela Bok delves into the complex ethical considerations surrounding deception. Exploring the impact of lies on both personal relationships and societal dynamics, Bok challenges readers to confront the nuances of truth-telling in various contexts. Drawing upon philosophical insights and real-world examples, the book invites readers to reflect on the moral implications of deceit and the role of honesty in fostering trust and integrity. A thought-provoking exploration of a ubiquitous yet often overlooked aspect of human behavior, "Lying" offers a compelling case for the importance of ethical decision-making in our daily lives.

VINTAGE BOOKS. A Division of Random House. New York. 1974. 381p.

Selections From The Writings Of Kierkegaarde


Translated By Lee M. Hollander.

Selections From The Writings Of Kierkegaard offers a thought-provoking insight into the profound ideas of the renowned philosopher Søren Kierkegaard. This collection brings together a curated selection of his most influential works, allowing readers to delve into the complexities of existentialism, faith, and the human experience. With a compelling blend of philosophy and theology, Kierkegaard's writings continue to resonate with readers seeking a deeper understanding of the self and the world around them. This book serves as a captivating introduction to the enduring legacy of one of history's most significant thinkers.

NY. Doubleday. 1960.. 261p.



By P. H. Nowell-Smith

Ethics by P. H. Nowell-Smith delves into the complex realm of moral philosophy with clarity and depth. This seminal work explores fundamental ethical questions, offering an insightful analysis of various ethical theories and their practical applications. Nowell-Smith's lucid writing style makes this book accessible to both newcomers to the subject and seasoned philosophers alike. A timeless classic in the field of ethics, this book continues to provoke critical thinking and lively debate on the nature of right and wrong.

Blackwell, 1957, 342 pages

Ethics Since 1900


By Mary Warnock

In "Ethics Since 1900," renowned philosopher Mary Warnock provides a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of ethical theories and debates over the past century. From the rise of utilitarianism and deontology to contemporary discussions on environmental ethics and bioethics, Warnock navigates the complex landscape of moral philosophy with clarity and insight. Drawing on her expertise, Warnock delves into key ethical issues such as personal autonomy, justice, and the ethical implications of technological advancements. "Ethics Since 1900" is a thought-provoking exploration of the ever-evolving ethical considerations that shape our understanding of right and wrong in the modern world.

Oxford University Press, 1960, 212 pages




Dialectic of Enlightenment is, quite justifiably, one of the most celebrated and often cited works of modern social philosophy. It has been identified as the keystone of the 'Frankfurt School', of which Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer were the leading members, and does not cease to impress in its wide-ranging ambition and panache. Adorno and Horkheimer addressees themselves to a question which went to the very heart of the modern age, namely 'why mankind, instead of entering into a truly human condition, is sinking into a new kind of barbarism'. Modernity, far from redeeming the promises and hopes of the Enlightenment, had resulted in a stultification of mankind and an administered society, characterised by simulation and candy-floss entertainment. To seek an answer to the question of how such a condition could arise, Adorno and Horkheier subjected the whole history of Western catagories of reason and nature, from Homer to Nietzsche, to a searching philosophical and psychological critique. Drawing on psychoanalytical insights, their own work on the 'culture industry', deep knowledge of the key Enlightenment and anti-Enlightenment thinkers, as well as fascinating considerations on the relationship between reason and myth - the rational and the irrational - the authors exposed the domination and violence towards both nature and humanity that underpin the Enlightenment project

Verso, 1997, 258 pages

Ontological Terror: Blackness, Nihilism and Emancipation

By Calvin L. Warren

In Ontological Terror Calvin L. Warren intervenes in Afro-pessimism, Heideggerian metaphysics, and black humanist philosophy by positing that the "Negro question" is intimately imbricated with questions of Being. Warren uses the figure of the antebellum free black as a philosophical paradigm for thinking through the tensions between blackness and Being. He illustrates how blacks embody a metaphysical nothing. This nothingness serves as a destabilizing presence and force as well as that which whiteness defines itself against. Thus, the function of blackness as giving form to nothing presents a terrifying problem for whites: they need blacks to affirm their existence, even as they despise the nothingness they represent. By pointing out how all humanism is based on investing blackness with nonbeing—a logic which reproduces antiblack violence and precludes any realization of equality, justice, and recognition for blacks—Warren urges the removal of the human from its metaphysical pedestal and the exploration of ways of existing that are not predicated on a grounding in being.

Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2018. 233p.

Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies: An Introduction

Edited by Ibo van de Poel, Lily Frank, Julia Hermann, Jeroen Hopster, Dominic Lenzi, Sven Nyholm, Behnam Taebi, and Elena Ziliotti

Technologies shape who we are, how we organize our societies and how we relate to nature. For example, social media challenges democracy; artificial intelligence raises the question of what is unique to humans; and the possibility to create artificial wombs may affect notions of motherhood and birth. Some have suggested that we address global warming by engineering the climate, but how does this impact our responsibility to future generations and our relation to nature? This book shows how technologies can be socially and conceptually disruptive and investigates how to come to terms with this disruptive potential. Four technologies are studied: social media, social robots, climate engineering and artificial wombs. The authors highlight the disruptive potential of these technologies, and the new questions this raises. The book also discusses responses to conceptual disruption, like conceptual engineering, the deliberate revision of concepts.

Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2023 188p.

Justifying Transgression: MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS, AND THE LAW – 1200 to 1700

By Gijs Kruijtzer

How do people justify what others see as transgression? Taking that question to the Persian-Muslim and Latin-Christian worlds over the period 1200 to 1700, this book shows that people in both these worlds invested considerable energy in worrying, debating, and writing about proscribed practices. It compares how people in the two worlds came to terms with the proscriptions of sodomy, idolatry, and usury. When historians speak of the gap between premodern practice and the legal theory of the time, they tend to ignore the myriad of justifications that filled this gap. Moreover, a focus on justification evens out many of the contrasts that have been alleged to exist between the two worlds, or the Muslim and Christian worlds more generally. The similarities outweigh the differences in the ways people came to terms with the various rules of divine law. The level of flexibility of the theologians and jurists in charge of divine law varied more over time and by topic than between the two worlds. Both worlds also saw the development of ever more sophisticated justifications. Amid the increasing complexity of justifications, a particular kind of reasoning emerged: that good outcomes are more important than upholding rules for their own sake.

Berlin: DeGruyter, 2024. 344p.

Godly Republic: A Centrist Blueprint For America's Faith- Based Future

By John J. Dilulio, Jr..

FROM THE JACKET: “Do you know is you are going to heaven?" Shortly after being appointed the first director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives--the "faith czar." John J. Dilulio, Jr., was asked this question. Suddenly Dilulio, a practicing Catholic and a New Democrat who had pioneered "faith factor" studis and founded programs for inner-city children, became acutely aware that he was no longer a private citizen who might have humored the television evangelist standing before him. Now he was an Assistant to the President, as he recalls in his introduction-"someone responsible for assisting President George W. Bush in faithfully upholding the Constitution, faithfully executing democratically enacted public laws, and faithfully acting in the public interest without regard to religious identities (and all contrary political purposes be damned). So I paused.*

Using his brief tenure in the Bush administration as a springboard, Dilulio leaps into the ongoing debate over whether as a nation America is Christian or secular and to what degree church-state separation is compelled by the Constitution. Avoiding political pieties, this lively, informative, and entertaining book makes an impassioned case for a middle way: one that recognizes the United States as a "Godly republic" under whose Constitution sacred institutions may be empowered to partner with the government…”

Berkeley Los Angeles. University Of California Press. 2007.

The End Of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason


By Sam Harris

FROM THE COVER: “In The End of Faith, Sam Harris delivers a startling analysis of the clash between reason and religion in the modern world. He offers a vivid, historical tour of our willingness to suspend reason in favor of religious beliefs- even when these beliefs inspire the worst of human atrocities. While warning against the encroachment of organized religion into world politics, Harris draws on insights from neuroscience, philosophy, and Eastern mysticism to deliver a call for a truly modern foundation for ethics and spirituality that is both secular and humanistic.

"The End of Faith is a genuinely frightening book. ... Read Sam Harris and wake up." -Richard Dawkins, The Guardian

NY. W•W• Norton. 2004. 341p.

Who Moved the Stone?


By Frank Morison

FROM THE COVER: “I wanted to take this last phase of the life of Jesus, with all its quick and pulsating drama, its sharp, clear-cut background of antiquity, and its tremendous psychological and human intersEt - -to strip it of its overgrowth of primitive beliefs, dogmatic suppositions, and to see this supremely great Person as He really was.”

Such was English journalist Frank Morison's drive to learn of Christ. The strangeness of the Resurrection story had captured his attention, and, influenced by skeptic thinkers at the turn of the century, he set out to prove that the story of Christ's Resurrection was only a myth. His probings, however, led him to discover the validity of the biblical record in a moving, personal way. Who Moved the Stone? is considered by many to be a classic apologetic on the subject of the Resurrection. Morison includes a vivid and poignant account of Christ's betrayal, trial, and death as a backdrop to his retelling of the climactic Resurrection itself.”

Grand Rapids. Michigan. Lamplighters Books. 1958 (1930) 192p.

The Enforcement of Morals

By Patrick Devlin

From the cover: The limits of individual freedom within society-the boundaries of the public and the private in the realm of morals, and the point at which the law may e n t e ra r e the core concern of these seven essays by a prominent British jurist. Linked by their interest in the con- nection between morality and the law, they consider in detail the relation of moral law to various branches of criminal law, the quasi- criminal law, the law of tort, the laws of contract and of marriage.

For the force of its commands and prohibitions morality still depends heavily on religion, but in our secular society law may no longer be justified by religious belief. The law, Lord Devlin argues, must be concerned solely with the facts of common morality, rather than with any philosophical or religious conception of how it ought to be; what the law-maker has to ascertain is not the "true" belief. but the common belief; those who serve the law have a duty to defend "the law as it is, morality as it is. freedom as it is--none of them perfect, but the things that their society has got, and must not let go."

Lord Devlin disputes the contention in the Wolfenden report on homosexuality that there is a realm of private morality which lies outside the law. In either case, he asserts. the argument depends upon the definition of the private and the public realm. In this regard he considers the doctrine of John Stuart Mill contained in On Liberty, from which many arguments on public and private freedom derive.

London. Oxford University Press. 1965. 149p. CONTAINS MARK-UP.