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Posts in rule of law
Small Arms Survey 2009: Shadows of War

By Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva, Switzerland), Small Arms Survey

The Small Arms Survey 2009: Shadows of War contains two thematic sections. The first highlights the challenges of ensuring security after the formal end of war and comprises an overview chapter and three case studies (Aceh, Afghanistan, and Southern Lebanon). The second thematic section explores various aspects of small arms transfers, including the value of the authorized trade, national controls, and weapons tracing. Additional chapters focus on small arms measures and impacts.

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Small Arms Survey 2012: Moving Targets

By Geneva Small Arms Survey

The Small Arms Survey 2012: Moving Targets looks at what is changing, and not changing, in relation to armed violence and small arms proliferation. Chapters on firearm homicide in Latin America and the Caribbean, drug violence in selected Latin American countries, and non-lethal violence worldwide illustrate that security is a moving target; armed violence continues to undermine security and well-being around the world. The goal of curbing small arms proliferation, embodied in the UN Programme of Action, appears similarly elusive. Chapters on illicit small arms in war zones, trade transparency, Somali piracy, and the 2011 UN Meeting of Governmental Experts highlight some of the successes and challenges in this area. Country studies examine Kazakhstan and Somaliland. The final installment of the authorized transfers project looks at the total value of exports and imports globally, including small arms and light weapons, ammunition, and parts and accessories.

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 2012.

Small Arms Survey 2015: Weapons and the World

By Small Arms Survey

The Small Arms Survey 2015: Weapons and the World examines the role of weapons and armed violence in humanity’s appropriation of the earth’s wildlife and mineral riches—in Africa, where the poaching of elephants and rhinos is becoming increasingly militarized, and near resource extraction sites around the world. In addition to presenting updates on the UN small arms process and the top arms importers and exporters, the volume assesses how recent technological developments affect weapons marking, record-keeping, and tracing; reviews small arms flows to Egypt, Libya, and Syria before and after the ‘Arab Spring’; and evaluates a stockpile management initiative in South-east Europe. The ‘armed actors’ section sheds light on the arms and ammunition used by insurgents in northern Mali, the decline of the Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda, and the use of floating armouries by private security companies in the Indian Ocean. This edition also analyses the conditions that are driving young people to adopt high-risk coping strategies in Burundi.

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Small Arms Survey 2011: States of Security

By Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva, Switzerland),. Small Arms Survey

The Small Arms Survey 2011: States of Security considers the growth of the private security industry and its firearms holdings worldwide; private security use by multinational corporations; emerging weapons technology ; and legislative controls over civilian possession of firearms. Case studies provide original research on ongoing security challenges in Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti, and Madagascar. This edition also presents the 2011 Small Arms Trade Transparency Barometer, an estimate of the annual authorized trade in light weapons, and reviews developments related to small arms control at the United Nations.

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011..

Arming the Met: The deployment of less‐lethal weapons in London

By London Assembly, Police and Crime Committee

Taser is the brand name of the ‘conductive energy device’ used by police forces in England and Wales. Taser is a laser‐sighted, single shot weapon designed to incapacitate a subject through the use of an electrical current, which temporarily interferes with the body’s neuromuscular system. Taser is classed as a restricted firearm under Section 5 of the 1968 Firearms Act. Taser is one of a range of ‘less lethal’ weapons which have been approved by the Home Office. Under United Nations, European Union and national law, the Home Office is responsible for maintaining a range of weapons which allow officers to deploy the least amount of violence necessary to resolve a given situation. In England and Wales, Taser is part of a series of potential interventions which vary from verbal negotiation to CS spray, baton charges and traditional firearms in dealing with potentially disruptive or violent suspects. The term ‘less lethal’ is used as an acknowledgement that any weapon can be lethal if used incorrectly. The Home Office first authorised the use of Taser by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) in 2003, and then allowed forces to expand its use in 2008. Taser is now used by two types of officer: • Those who had undergone firearms training; and • Additional officers who had been designated members of Specially Trained Units by the Chief Officer in their area.1 The majority of Taser guns are used by specialist firearms officers and officers within the Territorial Support Group.

London: Greater London Authority, 2013. 31p.

European Report on Preventing Violence and Knife Crime Among Young People

By the World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.

This report highlights interpersonal violence as the third leading cause of death and a leading cause of disability among people aged 10–29 years in the 53 countries of the WHO European Region. This burden is unequally distributed, and 9 of 10 homicide deaths inthe Region occur in low- and middle-income countries. Irrespective of country income, interpersonal violence disproportionately affects young people from deprived sections of society and males, who comprise 4 of 5 homicide deaths. Numerous biological, social,cultural, economic and environmental factors interact to increase young people’s risk of being involved in violence and knife-related crime. Factors that can protect against violence developing among young people include good social skills, self-esteem, academic achievement, strong bonds with parents, positive peer groups, good attachment to school, community involvement and access to social support. Good evidence indicates that reducing risk factors and enhancing protective factors will reduce violence among young people. The experience accumulated by several countries in the Region and elsewhere shows that social policy and sustained and systematic approaches that address the underlying causes of violence can make countries in the Region much safer. These make compelling arguments for advocating for increased investment in prevention and for mainstreaming objectives for preventing violence among young people into other areas of health and social policy.

Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, 2010. 116p.

‘Knife Crime’ :A review of evidence and policy. Second edition.

By Chris Eades, Roger Grimshaw, Arianna Silvestri. and Enver Solomon

The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (CCJS) first published this briefing paper in August 2006. It received widespread media coverage and a great deal of interest from the police, voluntary sector organisations and members of the public. This review aims to draw together some of the existing information and research on these issues and makes tentative assessments of the programmes in place to combat knife usage. The paper begins by providing information from the available sources on the extent of the problem as it pertains to different levels of seriousness: the carrying of knives; the use of knives in crime; and the use of knives in homicides. It then investigates possible reasons for knife carrying before establishing which sections of the population are most likely to suffer knife-related offences. Next, assessments are made of the current strategies being considered or used to reduce levels of knife carrying and knife use. These include the national knife amnesty, police stop and search, increased prison sentences, education and awareness-raising, and prevention strategies.

London: Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, King’s College London, 2007. 36p.

The Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons on the Dark Web: A Study

By Giacomo Persi Paoli

The potential role of the dark web in facilitating trade in firearms, ammunition and explosives has gained increased public attention following recent terrorist attacks and other criminal activities worldwide. In fact, the hidden and obscured parts of the web are used by criminals and others to access a worldwide market where it’s possible to procure or sell a wide range of weapons and associated products through encrypted marketplaces and vendor shops.

Following the outcomes of the Third United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects, which acknowledged the importance of considering new challenges and opportunities arising from new forms of illicit trafficking, this Occasional Paper summarises the main findings and implications of the first empirical study investigating the scale and scope of arms trafficking on the dark web.

The findings of this study shed light on the scale and scope of arms trafficking on the dark web, illustrating the range of weapons traded, their market price and most common transit routes. In addition, this Occasional Paper discusses the implications of this growing phenomenon for law enforcement agencies and policy makers, highlighting the key role that firearms control measures continue to play in the presence of new forms of trafficking.

New York: United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, 2018. 107p.

Illegal Weapons Traffic in Eastern Europe

By Zaur Borov and Stephen Bowers

The primary focus of this study is on illegal weapons trade in Romania and the Caucasus region of the former USSR. Illegal weapons traffic in these regions is linked with both organized crime and terrorist activities. The main source of weapons for conflicts in the Caucasus region is corruption in Russian military circles. One well-known Arab terrorist organization, the so-called Muslim Brothers, has active connections in Romania. There is a incipient growing of trade with components, products and substances used in the manufacturing of mass destruction weapons (chemical, biological and nuclear). Free trade conventions between the CIS states facilitate illegal weapons transactions in the former USSR. In Eastern Europe there has been a steady increase of trade in components, products and substances used in the manufacturing chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Many of the most recent Russian weapons, such as the B-94, have gone directly from the factory to the Caucasus arms bazaars. Chechen troops had the B-94 before it was issued to Russian soldiers.

Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University, Center for Security and Science, 2002. 31p.

Illicit Trafficking in Firearms: Prevention and Combat in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: A National, Regional and Global Issue

By Péricles Gasparini Alves

When the terms small arms, light weapons, and firearms are discussed in international debates, it may be thought that the only difference between them is merely a semantic—after all, they all refer to arms which injure and kill people. To a large extent, this is true, but the striking differences in the way these terms are defined, have direct implications as to how, when and with what means illicit trafficking is dealt with nationally and by the international community as a whole….

The present paper seeks to broaden the international debate on the matter by arguing that both the nationalist and internationalist perspectives need to be taken into account in the fight against illicit trafficking. This is demonstrated by the situation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where the criminal use of firearms and access to ever-higher calibre weapons is a serious problem; where the number of firearms seized is significant; and where foreign-manufactured firearms constitute over one third of all seizures. The rampant availability of firearms to individuals as well as to semi- or organized crime in Rio de Janeiro and other Brazilian towns and regions, not only threatens the security of ordinary citizens and discredits the rule of law, but could also undermine the stability of the State in the long run. To address the illicit trafficking in firearms at its basis regardless of the end-use of the firearms, whether criminal or State security-oriented, a concerted effort by local, subregional, regional and international authorities is needed. Moreover, for measures put in place to be effective, these must embrace every type of illicitly trafficked firearm plus a wide range of ammunition, whether legally acquired or not. Special attention to the stock-keeping and tracing of explosives will also be required.

Geneva: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 2001. 62p,

Trafficking in Illicit Firearms: A Global and European Overview

By European Crime Prevention Network

This theoretical paper is published by the EUCPN Secretariat in connection with the theme of the Dutch Presidency, which is trafficking in illicit firearms. With the terrorist attacks that shook Europe the past months in hindsight, the subject is more relevant than ever. Trafficking in illicit firearms is a dangerous and deadly business, which should not be taken lightly. Because of the cross-border aspect of trafficking in illicit firearms, it is important to have a global overview. Where do the weapons come from, how do they enter the illicit market and what are the modus operandi of the traffickers? This paper should function as a base for a more prevention-orientated manual in which we will look at the difficulties and attempts to prevent trafficking in illicit firearms. Furthermore we will focus at the main international weapons and what the international agencies already do against the phenomenon. Through these actions, we hope to raise awareness concerning trafficking in illicit firearms, to exchange good practices and hopefully to propose general guidelines for a trafficking in illicit firearms policy.

Brussels: European Crime Preevntion Network, 2016. 22p,

Compendium: UNRCPD Project on Gun Violence and Illicit Small-Arms Trafficking from a Gender Perspective: Activities, Outcomes, Recommendations

By Jana Mudra, with the assistance of Yuriy Kryvonos, Iina Kuuttila, Jane Lawson and Ida Scarpino

Illicit trafficking of SALW affects numerous States in the Asia-Pacific region, many of which continue to experience relatively high levels of gun violence. Following the call by multiple UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions since 2000, the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCP) has sought to further arms-control objectives by strengthening women’s participation in preventing and combating illicit trade in small arms and light weapons (SALW). With the aim of promoting gender-responsive efforts to combat the uncontrolled spread of and enhance national control over SALW and to prevent gun-violence, UNRCPD implemented a region-wide project on ‘Gun Violence and Illicit Small Arms Trafficking from a Gender Perspective’. This project was designed for women leaders of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) focused on gender issues/women’s empowerment, and for Members of Parliament (MPs) engaging in arms-control issues. The project had the following five activities: 1) Sub-regional workshop for Southeast Asia; 2) Sub-regional workshop for South Asia; 3) Sub-regional workshop for the Pacific; 4) Regional seminar for Asia and the Pacific; and 5) Compiling outcomes of the events in the Compendium The primary goal was to enhance the understanding on the impacts that illicit SALW trafficking and gun violence has on women, girls, men and boys for NGOs and MPs in the region.

Kathmandu: United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific, 2020. 45p.

Fiighting Illicit Firearms Trafficking Routes and Actors at European Level; Final Report of Project FIRE

Editors: Ernesto U. Savona and Marina Mancuso

Project FIRE – Fighting Illicit firearms trafficking Routes and actors at European level (www. – was carried out with the financial support of the European Commission, DG Home Affairs, within the Prevention of and the Fight against Crime (ISEC) Programme. The research is an exploratory study on the illicit trafficking of firearms (ITF) in the EU. Based on the results obtained, it also provides recommendations on how to improve the fight against and the prevention of ITF. For the purposes of the study, ITF has been defined as every case in which the illicit acquisition, sale, delivery, movement or transfer of firearms, their parts or ammunition occur from, to, or within the territory of the EU.

Milano: Transcrime – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2017. 116p.

Countering Illicit Arms Transfers in the Mena Region: The Case of Yemen and Libya

By William Godnick

This monograph is a modified version of a background paper prepared for a conference that took place in Ottawa, Canada in May 2001, bringing together representatives of the Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society to discuss issues related to the July 2001 United Nations (UN) Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (hereafter referred to as the UN Conference). This version takes into account the Programme of Action (PoA) adopted by the UN Member States as well as other emerging or consolidated initiatives in the western hemisphere.

British American Security Information Council, International Alert and Saferworld, 2002. 26p.

Tackling the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons

By William Godnick

This monograph is a modified version of a background paper prepared for a conference that took place in Ottawa, Canada in May 2001, bringing together representatives of the Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society to discuss issues related to the July 2001 United Nations (UN) Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (hereafter referred to as the UN Conference). This version takes into account the Programme of Action (PoA) adopted by the UN Member States as well as other emerging or consolidated initiatives in the western hemisphere.

British American Security Information Council, International Alert and Saferworld, 2002. 26p.

International Traffic in Small Arms: An Australian Perspective

By Jenny Mouzos

Firearms can be important as instruments of crime. Their unauthorised movement across national borders constitutes a crime in its own right. Firearms posing the greatest threat are those that are easily concealable and less detectable, making them attractive for traffickers and criminals alike. In order to regulate the traffic of firearms at an international level, it is necessary to begin by regulating it at both a regional and a national level. This paper highlights international strategies aimed at curbing the proliferation of firearms into Australia. It also examines Australian government initiatives introduced to reduce the number of, and access to, illegal firearms in the community, and consequently to reduce firearm-related violence.

Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 1999. 6p.

Violence, Crime and Illegal Arms Trafficking in Colombia

By United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

What is the relationship between violence, crime and arms trafficking in Colombia? This report aims to answer this question and provide an assessment of the arms situation in Colombia. The document provides an overview of violence with firearms in Colombia, the main violence-generating factors in the country, and the relationship between firearms and the different forms of violence. The author further examines the dynamics of the manufacturing, trafficking, illegal possession and carrying of small arms and light weapons, as well as the contraband routes, the groups involved, and the principal suppliers. Chapters of the book also consider different aspects of the institutional handling of firearms in Colombia and the different disarmament experiences that have taken place in the country, such as the disarmament experiences of rebel groups and those carried out voluntarily.

The document concludes by analysing the commitments, actions, and positions assumed by Colombia with respect to the different protocols, conventions, and cooperation agreements on small arms and light weapons. In this respect, the authors highlight the leadership and permanent initiative that Colombia has displayed in the international field, by promoting the signature and adoption of different instruments aimed at reducing illegal trafficking and strengthening controls of legal arms transfers at the international level. With the exception of the weak penalization for the illegal carrying of arms, the authors argue that Colombia has tried to adapt its internal legislation to international requirements and standards.

Bogota: UNODC, 2006. 127p.

Arms Trafficking and Colombia

By Kim Cragin and Bruce Hoffman

This report provides an analysis of black-market and gray-market sources of small arms, explosives, equipment, and material that are available to terrorist and insurgent organizations in Columbia with particular attention given to the sources and methods used by covert and/or illegal suppliers and purchasers to acquire, sell, buy, transfer, ship, and receive these items.

The extent and type of weaponry currently available to terrorists, insurgents, and other criminals are enormous. These groups have exploited and developed local, regional, and global supply channels to traffic in munitions and equipment worldwide. In the country of Columbia, the drug trade, a protracted insurgent conflict, nationwide corruption, and small arms proliferation have contributed to the political instability and violence in the country over the past century with small arms proliferation among the most serious of the problems.

Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2003. 208p.

Dribs and Drabs: The Mechanics of Small Arms Trafficking from the United States

By Matt Schroeder

When one thinks of arms traffickers, the image that often comes to mind is of the stereotypical ‘Merchant of Death’ – ambitious, well-connected, globetrotting entrepreneurs who single-handedly arm warlords and insurgents across the world. While there is some truth to the stereotype, most illicit arms traffickers do not fit this profile. The latest Issue Brief from the Small Arms Survey—Dribs and Drabs: The Mechanics of Small Arms Trafficking from the United States—analyses a side of the arms trade that is less flashy, less centralized, and even more difficult to stop. Using an extensive database compiled from court records, the Issue Brief looks at the modes of transport, concealment methods, and smuggling techniques employed by arms traffickers in the United States, most of whom bear little resemblance to the ‘Merchants of Death’.

This Issue Brief draws on a database that follows the activities of more than 400 individuals accused of illegally shipping small arms and light weapons, their parts, accessories, or ammunition from the US to at least 46 countries. It offers an overview of the types of small arms trafficked and how smugglers evade export controls and border controls. The Brief concludes with a policy-relevant analysis of the implications of these cases.

Geneva: Small Arms Survey, 2016. 16p.

Patterns of Gun Trafficking: An exploratory study of the illiicit markets in Mexico and the United States

By David Pérez Esparza

This thesis aims to explain why, against the background of a fairly global crime drop, violence and crime increased in Mexico in the mid-2000s. Since most classical hypotheses from criminological research are unable to account satisfactorily for these trends, this study tests the explanatory power of a situational hypothesis as the main independent variable (i.e. the role of opportunity). In particular, this involves testing whether the rise in violence can be explained by an increase in the availability of illegal weapons in Mexico resulting from policy changes and rises in gun production in the bordering U.S. To conduct this study, the thesis develops and implements an ad hoc analytic strategy (composed of six steps) that helps to examine each gun market (i.e. pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns) both in the supply (U.S.) and in the illegal demand for firearms (Mexico). Following this market approach, the study finds that patterns of gun production in the U.S. temporally and spatially coincide with the patterns of gun confiscation (and violent crime) in Mexico. More specifically, analyses suggest that changes in illegal gun availability (across time and space) provide a better explanation for the observed difference in state-level homicide in Mexico than traditional hypotheses. The thesis presents additional analyses in favour of the situational hypothesis (through triangulation) and reports the findings of novel interviews with law enforcement officers with experience on gun trafficking in the U.S.-Mexico context. The study concludes by reviewing the key findings concerning the illicit markets between Mexico and the U.S., their theoretical and policy implications, as well as possible avenues for future research.

London: University College London, 2019. 389p.