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Posts tagged Law Enforcement
Soldiers, Cops, Bannermen

By Kees Kuiken

“Soldiers, Cops, Bannermen: The Rise and Fall of the First Communist Chinese PoliceState1931-1969”by Kees Kuiken, discusses the history of the Chinese police state from1931 to 1969. The book explores topics such as the role of police in maintaining control, the transition from soldiers to cops, and the challenges faced by the police state. The book also examines the historical context of China’s quest for order and the evolution of the police system in the Chinese Empire.

Wolters-Noordhoff, 1993 - 143 pages

Russian Hide & Seek

By Iain Lauchlan

This book explores the origins, structure, and activities of the Okhrana, the secret police in Tsarist Russia and discusses the comparison of security policing in Russia and the West, as well as the role of the Okhrana in suppressing revolution and counter-revolutionary activities. It also examines the connections between the Okhrana and right-wing terror groups, as well as its interactions with civil society and military intelligence.The author uses various sources, including archival documents and personal memoirs, to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Okhrana’s operations.

The book concludes with some remarks on the predictable downfall of Imperial Russia.A bibliography and index are included.

SKS-FLS, 2002, 405 pages

Provisional Authority

By Beatrice Jauregui

“Provisional Authority: Police, Order, and Security in India” by Beatrice Jauregui. was published by The University of Chicago Press in 2016. The book explores the role of the police in India, focusing on the Uttar Pradesh Police Department and its challenges with corruption and maintaining order. The author conducted interviews with police officers to gain insight into their experiences. The book also discusses the bureaucratic politics and states of insecurity within the police department. The document includes acknowledgments, a table of contents, and references.

University of Chicago Press, 2016. 205 pages

State Policing in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Fatoumata Sira Diallo

This book is a collection of various titles and references related to the topics of diplomacy, strategy, and policing in Sub-Saharan Africa. It includes information on academic works, books, articles, and documents that cover subjects such as international relations, political science, economic science, and sociology. The document also mentions specific titles and authors, as well as organizations and websites that provide relevant information on these topics.

Editions L'Harmattan, 2019, 391 pages

Policing Terrorism, Crime-Control, and Police-Community Relations

By by Tal Jonathan-Zamir, David Weisburd, and Badi Hasisi.

“Policing Terrorism, Crime Control, and Police-Community Relations: Learning fromthe Israeli Experience.”is written by Tal Jonathan-Zamir, David Weisburd, and Badi Hasisi. The book discusses the Israeli experience in policing terrorism, crime control,and police-community relations. It covers various topics such as the impact of terrorismthreats on police performance, public evaluations of the police, and the role of thepolice in counterterrorism. The book is supported by grants from the U.S. Departmentof Homeland Security and the U.S. National Institute of Justice

Springer, 2014, 172 pagine

Policing the Conflict in South Africa

By M.L. Mathews, Philip B. Heymann, andA.S. Mathews

“Policing the Conflict in South Africa”edited by M.L. Mathews, Philip B. Heymann, and A.S. Mathews. discusses the reform of policing in South Africa, including the structure, membership, and control of the police, as well as popular perceptions of policing among blacks in South Africa. The document also mentions protests and police misconduct in South Africa.

Cambridge University Press, 2008, 226 pages

Policing the Frontier

By Marco Gopfert

This book titled“Policing the Frontier: An Ethnography of Two Worlds in Niger”by Mirco Gopfert. is part of the seriesPolice/Worlds: Studies in Security, Crime, and Governance. It explores the topic of policing in rural Niger and examines thei nteraction between the police and the local communities. The book provides an ethnographic perspective on the challenges and complexities of policing in this context.

Cornell University Press, 2020, 175 pages

The Police of Paris

By Alan Williams

“The Police of Paris, 1718-1789” by Alan Williams provides a historical account of the police force in Paris during the 18th century. The book covers topics such as the power and organization of the police, their operations, and the relationship between the police and the people of Paris. The document also includes a bibliography and index for further reference.

Louisiana State University Press, 1979, 328 pages

The Night The Police Went On Strike

By Gerald W. Reynolds & Anthony Judge

The Night The Police Went On Strike by Gerald W. Reynolds and Anthony Judge is a compelling novel that explores a fictional scenario where law enforcement officers in a small town decide to go on strike. As chaos ensues and crime rates skyrocket, the community must confront its own vulnerabilities and limitations. Through a gripping narrative, the authors delve into themes of justice, social order, and the delicate balance between security and freedom. This thought-provoking book challenges readers to consider the essential role of law enforcement in maintaining a functioning society and the consequences when that role is disrupted.

Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1962, 246 pages

Police in the Metropolis


David C. Perry

Police in the Metropolis by David C. Perry offers readers a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of law enforcement in a bustling urban landscape. Perry delves into the complexities of policing in a metropolis, tackling issues of crime, justice, and power dynamics with a keen eye for detail. Through vivid storytelling and meticulous research, the author sheds light on the challenges faced by those who protect and serve in a city teeming with life and conflict. Police in the Metropolis is a riveting read that provides valuable insights into the nuanced world of urban law enforcement.


Organizational Structure in American Police Agencies: Context, Complexity, and Control


Edward R. Maguire

Although most large police organizations perform the same tasks, there is tremendous variation in how individual organizations are structured. To account for this variation, author Edward R. Maguire develops a new theory that attributes the formal structures of large municipal police agencies to the contexts in which they are embedded. This theory finds that the relevant features of an organization's context are its size, age, technology, and environment. Using a database representing nearly four hundred of the nation's largest municipal police agencies, Maguire develops empirical measures of police organizations and their contexts and then uses these measures in a series of structural equation models designed to test the theory. Ultimately, police organizations are shown to be like other types of organizations in many ways but are also shown to be unique in a number of respects.

NY. SUNY Press. 2003. 294p.

THE POLICE INA FREE SOCIETY: Safeguarding Rights While Enforcing the Law



As accusations of police misconduct and racial bias increasingly dominate the media, The Police in a Free Society: Safeguarding Rights While Enforcing the Law takes an unflinching look at the police, the communities they serve, and the politicians who direct them. Author Todd Douglas, a veteran state police commander, exposes the occurrences of police misconduct and incompetence as well as incidences of charlatans who intentionally inflame racial tensions with the police for their own political or financial gain.

Readers will better understand what police officers must deal with on a daily basis, grasp the role of lawmakers in keeping faith with the public, and appreciate the tremendous challenges that police leaders face in attempting to reverse recent trends and shore up public confidence in police officers. This is a rare glimpse into the often-ugly reality of what happens on America's streets, with insights gained from the perspective of the cop and suspect alike.

Praeger. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, Califomla • Denver, Colorado. 2017. 298p.



EDITORS Clifford D. Shearing AND Philip C. Stenning

The increased use of private policing has led to a growing awareness that policing can no longer be thought of as just being about crime, but as the enforcement of order and the way it can be both established and maintained. Private Policing charts the development of social control mechanisms -- both public and private -- from historical, legal, ethical and managerial perspectives.

SAGE PUBLICATIONS.. Newbury Park Beverly Hill. 1987. 329p.

California Law Enforcement Agencies are Spending More but Solving Fewer Crimes

By Mike Males

California is not “defunding the police” nor implementing lenient criminal justice reforms – just the opposite. State spending on law enforcement has risen sharply, even after adjustments for inflation and population growth. The odds of being imprisoned per arrest have risen to near-record heights. However, despite record spending on California law enforcement agencies in recent years, one of the core measures of law enforcement effectiveness— crime clearance rates — has fallen to historically low levels. An agency’s clearance rate is the share of Part I violent and property crimes2 that are considered solved after law enforcement makes an arrest. Over the past three decades, these clearance rates fell by 41%, from a 22.3% clearance rate in 1990 to 13.2% in 2022, which equates to fewer than one in seven crimes solved (Figure 1, Table 1). California’s decline in overall clearance rates has been driven by falling property felony clearances (-59%), though the solve rate for violent felonies also fell during the 1990 – 2022 period (-14%).

San Francisco, Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice. 2024, 8pg