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Posts in social sciences
Our Girls, Our Future: Investing in Opportunity and Reducing Reliance on the Criminal Justice System in Baltimore

By Cara McClellan with data analysis by Megan Gall

Across the country, large numbers of Black students are pushed out of the classroom and into the juvenile or criminal justice system through the school-to-prison pipeline. National data on school-based arrests and referrals to law enforcement reveals that Black and Latinx students are disproportionately targeted for harsh punishment. Moreover, national data shows that Black girls are the fastest-growing demographic affected by school discipline, arrests, and referrals to the juvenile justice system. For Black girls, the pathways to the juvenile justice system disproportionately involve unaddressed social-emotional needs at school. Despite this reality, students’ educational experiences are often left out of conversations about juvenile or criminal justice reform—in particular, the experiences of Black girls in schools. Baltimore is beginning a substantial effort to reform policing and its criminal justice system. Still, the experiences of Black girls in Baltimore City Public School System (“BCPSS”)—and the pathways that lead to their involvement with the justice systems—have been largely overlooked in this process.

New York: NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Thurgood Marshall Institute, 2024. 48p.

Pretrial Justice Without Money Bail or Risk Assessments: Principles for Racially Just Bail Reform

By Kesha Moore

Under the Constitution, people are granted the presumption of innocence and the right to liberty if they have not been convicted of a crime. Pretrial incarceration runs directly against these bedrock constitutional principles. While money bail and pretrial detention are intended to ensure court appearances and protect public safety, the evidence shows that this system is an ineffective and discriminatory approach to accomplishing these goals. Money bail creates a two-tiered justice system: those with money can buy their way to freedom, while those without money are made to languish in jail. The U.S. incarcerates close to half a million individuals who have not been convicted of a crime but are denied freedom because they cannot afford to pay bail. The racial biases embedded in our criminal legal system, and by extension the money bail regime, cause pretrial incarceration to disproportionately harm Black and Latinx people. “Pretrial Justice Without Money Bail or Risk Assessments, Principles for Racially Just Bail Reform” details the issues with the current U.S. money bail system through a racial justice lens and provides principles for comprehensive bail reform that both lowers the number of individuals in jail and diminishes the racial disparities in pretrial incarceration.

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Thurgood Marshall Institute, 2024. 21p.

The School and Society


By John Dewey

"The School and Society" by John Dewey delves into the fundamental principles of education and its essential role in shaping society. Originally published in 1899, Dewey's insights remain relevant as ever, advocating for a holistic approach to education that goes beyond traditional classroom boundaries. Dewey challenges the conventional wisdom of his time, emphasizing the importance of experiential learning, active participation, and the integration of education with societal needs. This book serves as a timeless manifesto for reimagining the purpose and practice of education to cultivate engaged, thoughtful citizens in a rapidly evolving world.

Project Gutenberg. University of Chicago press. 1900. 59p.

Principles of Psychology Vol. 2.


By William James

In "Principles of Psychology Vol. 2", delve deeper into the complex workings of the human mind with this insightful and comprehensive guide. Building upon the foundational concepts introduced in the first volume, this book explores advanced topics such as cognitive processes, emotional intelligence, and social behaviors. Authored by esteemed psychologist Dr. A. Smith, this volume offers a lucid and engaging exploration of the intricate mechanisms that govern human behavior. Whether you are a student, researcher, or simply curious about the workings of the mind, "Principles of Psychology Vol. 2" is an essential read that will broaden your understanding of the fascinating realm of psychology.

NY. Henry Holt. 1918. 508p.



By William James

"The Principles of Psychology. Vol. 1" is a seminal work in the field of psychology written by William James, a prominent American psychologist and philosopher. Originally published in 1890, this groundbreaking book explores the fundamentals of human behavior, cognition, and emotion.

In this comprehensive volume, James delves into various aspects of the human mind, examining topics such as consciousness, perception, memory, and the self. Drawing on a combination of philosophical insights and empirical research, he presents a holistic view of the complexities of the human psyche.

Whether you are a student of psychology, a researcher, or simply curious about the workings of the mind, "The Principles of Psychology. Vol. 1" is a must-read that continues to shape our understanding of human behavior to this day.

NY. Henry Holt. 1918. 505p.

The Marxists


By C. Wright Mills

"The Marxists" by C. Mills delves into the complex world of Marxist theory and its impact on society. In this insightful book, Mills examines the evolution of Marxist ideas, from its origins to its relevance in the modern world. Through meticulous research and compelling analysis, the author explores the key concepts of Marxism, shedding light on its revolutionary potential and its challenges.

Mills delves into the lives and works of prominent Marxist thinkers, offering a comprehensive overview of their contributions to the movement. From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to contemporary Marxist scholars, "The Marxists" provides a rich tapestry of ideas and debates that have shaped the course of history.

This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of Marxist thought and its enduring influence on politics, economics, and social justice. "The Marxists" invites readers to engage with these profound ideas and ponder their implications for the future of our society.

NY. Dell. M. W. Books. 1977. 452p.

Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology


Neil Postman

Neil Postman's groundbreaking book, Technopoly, delves deep into the pervasive influence of technology on modern society. With keen insight and intellectual rigor, Postman challenges readers to critically examine the role of technology in shaping culture. By exploring how technology has become the dominant force in our lives, he raises crucial questions about the impact of this shift on human values, communication, and the very essence of our humanity. A timely and thought-provoking read, Technopoly offers a compelling exploration of the complex relationship between technology and culture in the digital age.

NY. Vintage. 1993. 233p.




TALKS TO TEACHERS ON PSYCHOLOGY: AND TO STUDENTS ON SOME OF LIFE'S IDEALS provides timeless insights from the renowned psychologist William James. In this illuminating collection, James shares his profound thoughts on the nature of education and the pursuit of personal growth. Addressing both educators and students, he delves into the complexities of human behavior, the essence of learning, and the cultivation of inner virtues. With a blend of intellectual rigor and practical wisdom, James offers a guiding light for all those engaged in the noble endeavor of teaching and learning. This book serves as a treasure trove of knowledge, inspiring readers to reflect on the fundamental principles that shape our understanding of the mind and spirit.

NY. HOLT AND COMPANY. 1925. 80p.




"STIGMA: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity" delves into the intricate dimensions of societal perceptions and self-perceptions. Authored by renowned sociologist Erving Goffman, this seminal work explores the concept of stigma and its profound impact on individuals and communities. Goffman's profound insights shed light on how stigmatized individuals navigate a world marked by prejudice and discrimination. Drawing from compelling case studies and astute analysis, "STIGMA" challenges readers to rethink their views on identity, acceptance, and the power dynamics that shape our interactions. A thought-provoking and enlightening read for anyone interested in psychology, sociology, or the human experience.

Prentice-Hall, Inc.. Englewood Gliffs, N.J. 1965. 167p.

The Souls of Black Folk


by W. E. B. Du Bois

The Souls of Black Folk is a seminal work of American literature penned by W.E.B. Du Bois in 1903. Through a collection of insightful essays, Du Bois delves into the complex issues of race, identity, and equality in post-Civil War America. His profound analysis explores the double consciousness experienced by Black individuals, the challenges of racial discrimination, and the enduring quest for justice and liberation. With eloquence and depth, Du Bois's work continues to resonate today, offering readers a timeless reflection on the African American experience and the ongoing struggle for civil rights.

Publisher? 1903. 189p.

Society and Power


by Richard A. Schermerhorn

Society and Power delves into the complex dynamics that govern society and the structures of power within it. Richard A. Schermerhorn provides a thought-provoking analysis of how societal norms, institutions, and individuals interact to shape the distribution and exercise of power. Through meticulous research and engaging prose, Schermerhorn uncovers the hidden forces that influence our daily lives and decision-making processes. A must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the intricate relationships between society and power.

NY. Random House. 1961. 124p.



C Wright Mills

In "The Sociological Imagination," C. Wright Mills invites readers to explore the intersection of personal biography and social structure, urging us to understand how our individual experiences are shaped by larger societal forces. With a keen sociological eye, Mills challenges readers to see beyond their immediate surroundings and consider the broader historical and structural contexts that inform our lives.

Through compelling arguments and thought-provoking analysis, Mills encourages us to develop a sociological imagination - a critical perspective that enables us to connect our personal troubles to public issues. By examining the interplay between personal biography, historical context, and social structures, Mills sheds light on the complexities of modern society and the interdependent relationships that shape our everyday lives.

"The Sociological Imagination" remains a foundational text in sociology, inspiring readers to question their assumptions, challenge the status quo, and develop a deeper understanding of the intricate web of social forces that influence our world. Mills' compelling work continues to resonate with readers today, offering a timeless exploration of the power of sociological thinking to illuminate the complexities of the human experience.

Oxford University Press. LONDON. OXFORD. NEW YORK. 1959. 239p.

Social Organization, the Science of Man and Other Writings


BY HENRI DE SAINT-SIMON. Edited and Translated with an Introduction by FELIX MARKHAM

In this thought-provoking collection of writings by Henri de Saint-Simon, readers are taken on a journey through the fundamental principles of social organization and the science of man. Edited and translated by Felix Markham, this book offers a deep dive into Saint-Simon's pioneering ideas on sociology, economics, and politics. Saint-Simon's insights remain relevant today, making this book a must-read for those interested in understanding the complexities of society and human behavior. Felix Markham's introduction provides valuable context, making this edition an essential addition to any academic or personal library.


Pursuit of Loneliness: American Culture at the Breaking Point


Philip Slater

Pursuit of Loneliness: American Culture at the Breaking Point by Slater delves into the complex fabric of modern American society, highlighting the pervasive sense of isolation and disconnection that plagues individuals in today's fast-paced world. Through a meticulous examination of cultural trends and societal norms, Slater unravels the layers of loneliness that have woven themselves into the very fabric of American life. The book offers insightful perspectives on the root causes of this phenomenon, shedding light on the impact of technology, urbanization, and shifting social dynamics. As Slater navigates through the myriad factors contributing to this pervasive loneliness, readers are compelled to reflect on their own relationships and experiences within the context of a society teetering on the edge of a breaking point. Pursuit of Loneliness serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of genuine human connection in an increasingly disconnected world, prompting readers to reevaluate the priorities and values that shape their lives.

Boston. Beacon Press. 1970. 166p.

Psychology and social practice


John Dewey

Psychology and social practice according to DEWEY are intricately intertwined, with each influencing and shaping the other. DEWEY believed that understanding human behavior and thought processes is crucial in creating meaningful societal change. By examining how individuals perceive and interact with their environment, psychologists can help identify and address social issues at their roots. DEWEY emphasized the importance of integrating psychological insights into social practices to promote collective well-being and societal progress. This holistic approach highlights the interconnectedness of human experiences and the significance of considering both individual and societal factors in addressing complex challenges.

Chicago, Chicago University. 1901. 22p.

THE PROTESTANT ESTABLISHMENT: Aristocracy and Caste in America


By E. Digby Baltzell

The Protestant Establishment by Baltzell provides a thought-provoking analysis of the influence of Protestantism on the socio-economic and political landscape of American society. Through detailed research and compelling arguments, Baltzell delves into the historical development and enduring impact of Protestant values on shaping the elite class in the United States. This seminal work offers a nuanced exploration of how religious beliefs intersect with power dynamics, class structures, and cultural norms in shaping the country's social hierarchy. A must-read for those interested in understanding the complex relationship between religion, privilege, and social institutions in America.

NY. Vintage Random House. 1964. 445p.

The Politics of Policing in Greater China


Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo

"The Politics of Policing in Greater China" delves into the intricate relationship between law enforcement and state power in the diverse regions of China. Through a comprehensive analysis, this book explores the historical development, organizational structures, and contemporary challenges facing police forces in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

Examining the cultural, political, and legal dynamics shaping policing practices in Greater China, the authors navigate through the complexities of maintaining social stability, enforcing laws, and addressing issues of corruption and human rights. From the traditional models of policing rooted in Confucian principles to the modern adaptations in response to globalization and technological advancements, this book offers a nuanced understanding of the evolving landscape of law enforcement in the region.

"The Politics of Policing in Greater China" presents a thought-provoking narrative that uncovers the intersection between state authority, social control, and the protection of individual rights within the unique contexts of Greater China. A must-read for scholars, policymakers, and anyone interested in the intricacies of policing in a rapidly evolving society.

Palgrave Macmillan. 2016. 329p.

Patterns of Culture


by Ruth Benedict

In "Patterns of Culture," renowned anthropologist Ruth Benedict explores the intricate tapestry of human societies through a comparative study of three different cultures: the Zuni of the American Southwest, the Dobuans of Melanesia, and the Kwakiutl of the Pacific Northwest. Through her insightful analysis, Benedict sheds light on the diverse ways in which these societies structure their beliefs, values, and social practices.

By delving deep into the customs, rituals, and traditions of each culture, Benedict reveals how distinct patterns emerge that shape the worldview and behaviors of its members. Drawing on her expertise in anthropology, she challenges readers to question their own cultural assumptions and consider the profound impact of environment and history on shaping human civilization.

With clarity and precision, "Patterns of Culture" offers a compelling examination of the complexities of culture and the rich diversity of human experience. Benedict's seminal work continues to inspire readers to explore the multifaceted layers of society and reflect on the fundamental elements that define who we are as individuals and communities.




Charles Richards

The New Italians, a captivating novel by Charles Richards, delves deep into the intricate tapestry of modern Italian society. Set against the backdrop of contemporary Italy, the book follows the lives of a diverse cast of characters as they navigate through cultural shifts, economic challenges, and personal triumphs. Through vivid storytelling and rich character development, Richards weaves a compelling narrative that offers readers a window into the heart and soul of Italy today. With its gripping plot and insightful commentary, The New Italians promises to be a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in the complexities of modern Italian life.

NY. PENGUIN. 1994. 315p.

NEGROPHOBIA AND REASONABLE RACISM: The Hidden Costs of Being Black in America


Jody David Armour

In this groundbreaking book, "Negrophobia and Reasonable Racism: The Hidden Costs of Being Black in America," author delves deep into the complexities of the Black experience in a country where racism continues to shape social, economic, and political realities. Through meticulous research and powerful personal anecdotes, the author sheds light on the insidious nature of Negrophobia and the concept of "reasonable racism," illustrating the profound impacts these phenomena have on the daily lives of Black individuals and communities. This poignant and thought-provoking work challenges readers to confront uncomfortable truths and reexamine their own perspectives on race and privilege in America.

New York and London. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1997. 210p.